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The Adventures of Kathlyn

Chapter 10 WAITING

Word Count: 4664    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

erself into her

To leave

me; I wasn't meant to die in this dog's

t do you me

l you. In God's

hlyn," Bruce ca

her day by day that he would come when she needed him. Suddenly she felt her cheeks grow hot with shame. She snuggled her bare legs under her grass dress. Till th

ot yet aware of it; but the touch of his hand and the sound of his voice sent a shiver ove

ungle. And don't worry about your father. He's alive, and that's enough for Ahm

by that? It seemed to Kathlyn that h

ns, grass! You poor girl!" He took off his coat and threw it acros

you in words,"

hing. I would have gone--

y which impelled the query; pe

your father's bungalow in a minute or so, and then the final stroke. Umballa is not dependable. He may

time being his passion for Kathlyn had subsided. He desired above all things just than revenge for the humiliating experience in the ceil; he wanted to put pain and terror into her heart. Ah, she would be on her knees, begging, begging, and her father would struggle in vain at his shackles. Spurned; so be it. She should have a taste of his hate, the black man's hate. Two shoul

till he dropped in his chains; thus she would

eaped with rubies and pearls and emeralds and sapphires! As for the other, what cared he if he rotted? It gave him the whip hand over the doddering council

ell and flung open the door triumphantly. For a moment he could not believe his eyes. She wa

ck devil!" cried the colonel. "Go on.

pled grass. Elephants. And these doubtless had come from the co

"Later, Colonel Hare,

el remain

icit orders. He was quite confident that Kathlyn would be carried at once to

Colonel Hare leaned against the pilla

ta fell at Kathlyn's

!" she cri

stooped and gathere

ould have died for h

y father mean when he s

y, Mem-sahib," sa


l's eye. The guru, a very wise and ancient priest, demanded the return of it. T

not the guru curse my father's chi

t does the curse of

r than we know," glanc

me rushing up with the news that armed soldiers were approaching. Bruc

It was done. "Hobble them." It was immediately accomplish

going to do?

ne will dare to lo

old friend, who had once dandled her on his knees. They disappeared behind the bu

u'll know how to soothe him

You'll know how

yn ob

and had a cavity underneath. The

sly threatening the arrest of the entire camp i

aid Bruce. "There is

eplied the captain, who had thrown his fortunes with Umballa, sensing that here was a ma

" repeat

ants, but were baffled there, owing to Ahmed's foresight. They entered the native quarters, looked under the

onel Sahib's man?

of the animal cages," said Bruce,

, Ramabai


ddled; and meddlers

amabai. "I am watched, I know; but t

u!" said Bruc

eyed him m

animal cages

there was the crafty Ahmed, calmly stroking the leopard, which snarled suddenly. Ahmed stood up with a fine imitation of surprise. Th

ave thy house. It shall be reported." Then he took a shot a

oldiers right about and pr

ried Bruce, who was as m

he broad teak boards, and the

"hereafter you shall be chief of

and return f

plan. It will be useless to return to-night. He

ie for the

oo," adde

uce gazed at

elping Kathlyn out of the cage, the door of which he closed quickly, a

trap for

and as suspicious as the jac

me. Listen. Pundita, you shall return to the city. Two men will ac

w close to

nd play traitor. You wil

o, Mem

say that you are jealous of me. You will tell him

will not do at all," dec

eed with a slow s

her he will signify to his men to follow. Well, the guard may follow. Once Umballa steps inside the bungalow we will seize a


Umballa a taste of it. Am I cruel? Well, yes; all that was gentle and tender in me seems ei

practical," d

follow Pundit

n asked bitterly. "At least let me try. He wi

more at this moment than a hundred men. I will

as a hostage?" suggested th

" answered Pundita wit

nd Durga Ram shall choke between these tw

to bed,"

e moment she put her head upon the pillow her father was writhing under t

lash," cried Umballa when he saw that his victim could s

colonel sho

ou shall feel the active hatred of the man you robbed and cheate


of twisting the secret from you. Wa

l's ears long after the door had clo

ks. She felt strangely uncomfortable. For so long a time her body had been free that

ot afraid,

yards of the gate, and after that it will be easy to find

ard. Kathlyn petted it and crooned, and the magic ti

d signs of restlessness, and this restlessness conveyed

t," warned Ahmed. "Go walk; go talk elephant; and you

rmitted her to touch the wabbly infants, whereas the keeper of this cage dared not go within a foot of it. By the time she reached the elephants a dozen keepers were followi

growing a bit afraid

d w

act like that before. W

not afraid of them and

m also fond of them. Yet they

stiffened and she breathed deeply. For the moment she had forgot her father, who s

t?" he cri

d almost forgo

et Ahmed think for me. Let u

him as much as anything. Not a sign of that natural hysteria of woman, though she had been through enough to drive insane a dozen ordinary women. He loved the fearless ey

w the Viking made love to the Viking's daughter. By storm, or by guile? Yes, he was afraid of her; afraid of her because she could walk

ain inside the bungalow. Ramabai, have you

call. Only, this is not the time. Still, I can call to them, and by to-morrow there will not

ey wa

he came to the palace steps just as Umballa was issuing forth. She shivered a little-she could no

surprised into according her the sa


am seeking you." Her voic

eek me, who am your enemy

ere she must, not

d to ponder o

have you

s. My husband and

en, where she

I alone know wher

her eyes. Had she wavered,



the palace guards. "All women a

you trust me?" She turned and wit

he same time motioning to the

the Mem-sahib, i

you alone know

ust decide quickly, Durga Ram, for even now they are


ards back to

alla knew instinctively that this was a trap. He would apparently walk into it unsuspectingly; but those who sprung the trap would find no rat, but a tiger. And after the mann

if you have lied y

have promised to lead you to he

ally the rightful heir to this crown; but her forbears had legally foresworn. Ah! the Colonel Sahi

there, D

more?" i

ness. Had he, by means unknown to h

s. Umballa made a dash for the door, but they were too quick for him. Struggling, he was seized and bound; but all the while he was laughing inwardly. Did they dream of trapping him in this childish fashion? By now twent

on the leash. Umballa eyed her wonderingly. She was like the woman who had arrived weeks ago. And yet to

an order for my

e?" Umballa wan

ou have had experience with leopards. Do you not recall the

im in exchange


ed the pe

d made no effo

e she said: "Can you run as fast as this cat?" S

do exactly as she threatened. He concluded then to sign the pap

e present you have the best of

la. When my father arrives we intend to esc

He signed the order of release. He knew that even if it r

nds. Ramabai smiled and shook his head. It was not enough,

t once; "go bring my father back to me. Rest assure

Umballa. Your troopers will remain at the edge of the clearing. They have

beaten him by a point. The heat of his rage sw

ain exactly where they were. The captain shrugged; it was all in

e required, however, and extended the written order for Colonel Hare's release. At

imperative," he said. "Colonel H

is Durg

olonel Hare, where he

would claim that it was an affair of state, in nowise concerning the populace. So Colonel Hare was brought up. Ramabai instantly signaled him to smother his joy. But it was not necessar

the support of his arm, and together they le

en had followed Durga Ram and without d

lonel, as Ramabai becko

the broken man into the litter and bade the coolies to hurry. "Elephants will be ready


with us as

lew at him savagely, ripping the post from its socket and wrecking the banisters. Umballa, unprepared for this stroke, leaped through the window, followed b

Get the elephants ready! Come, Kathlyn; come, Pundita!" He hastened them toward the elephants

g to and fro, with coolies on the run. Ahmed ran forward and

ut of this damnable country; I am d

top speed. No sooner had they left the river than some native boats landed at the

les are ov

India, there is that curse. Ah, I

ength found

'" he crie

ned quickly. The trail led toward the camp of Bruce Sahib, and along this he le

st, but Umballa threatened death to those who opposed him, and the frightened natives surrendered. The soldiers piled into th

on both sides. Bruce and Ahmed kept the elephants going, but in the middle o

not yet lifted

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