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Thankful Rest


Word Count: 1305    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

l and broad-shouldered, with an open kindly face, and grave thoughtful eyes, which yet at times could sparkle with merriment as bright as that which so often shone i

osely together. They had been talking of Mr. Goldthwaite's projected visit on the morrow, and he had at last succeeded in repeating faithfully all the commissio

omething very important must it be which brings her here. I do

ellous bonnet. She dropped a courtesy to the parson, and sat down on the extreme edge of the chair Miss Goldthwaite off

en eyes on Mr. Goldthwaite's pleasant face, "knowin' you was goin' t

the minister courteously, "be su

Miss Hepsy, "of our sister Hetty as


e's warm heart, "an' she's left two children, which Josh an' me'll hev to take, I reckon, seein' their pa

im," put in Mr

worth so many dollars jes' now, an' can't be throwed away. Now, sir, will ye be so kind as to see to thin

ered courteously that he should do his best. The

and if Keziah's left to do it herself, there's no saying what might happen.-So, good evenin', and thank ye, sir;" and before the brother and sister recovered from their amazement, Miss Hepsy had whisked out

, gentle creature, too, I have been told; of a different mould from Miss Hepsy. The calmness, though, to ask you to do all this sim

"Like you, I am sorry for the poor little orphans. Their

in silence Miss Hepsy's brilliant figure crossing the rive

han Joshua Strong and his sister. I wish they could be made to see how differently G

gravely. "It would not be the first time God has used the influence of little

e tender care of a mother. We must do what we can, Frank, to make their home at Thankful Rest as happy as possible. We had such a happy one ourselves,

st, came up the path to meet them. He was an old man, with white hair and beard; but his fine figure was as erect and stately as it had been a quarter of

e down to say she would expect you, miss," (he nodded to Carrie,) "at the

with a little grateful smile. "Even with Abbie's compan

to the gate again. "Not to-night, my

minister. "I shall have plenty of time at

returned the judge.

gate, and laid her hand caress

dge Keane," she said; "and thi

sh figure in its dainty muslin garb; and on the sweet, uncl

nd she hid it in the animal's glossy mane.-"Safe journey, Frank. Come to the Red House for your si

le in his gray eyes, "or a certain young man would have thought nothing of

had fled, and Beauty

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