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Ligh Of My Life

Chapter 2 Long day

Word Count: 1959    |    Released on: 16/08/2023

th her fingers and looking down; her cheeks had a slight pink tone, and everything bother

guing that she could not bother him in such a way, and between blushes a

r a moment, the captain had felt that he was alone, but then he stopped, remembering that she was there. Nayla almost co

I have to get b

rse." She blushe

desperate. Wasn't he going to say something else? And why was he looking

ocket of his black trench coat and handing the

captain's skin. After telling him her address,

m her. He was a very tall and burly man

a military man was supposed to be; sadly, she wasn't. They were different people, and she wondered how she would live wit

ly had two changes of clothes, a photograph of her mother with her as a baby, a couple of books, and an envelope of hers with money that her father had given

. The hinges creaked as she opened the door, then closed it behind her. She left the box with her belongings aside and observed the place. He was exactly like the captain. Sour. The walls were painted a very old green, and there were two black armchairs in the living room next to a small coffee table that ha

g supplies and was about to clean when she wondered if it was right.

th her small cardboard box on her lap, feeling alien to that depar


ffice; after all, he was very careful and observant, so never since he could remember had he

that he would ne

ht, approximately half past nine. As he walked, he felt stra

llen asleep. She looked innocently tired. Now that he thought about it, it must have been hard for a girl as sensitive as he

red, turning around. As soon as their eyes met, she immediately stoo

aimed a little nervously, with her

r him that night, and it was her. She was also looking at him with

ad a little to wake up; he was acting stupid. "Come, I'll show you where you'll sleep," she muttered in an authoritative voice. She headed towards a dark room. He turned on the


his eyes. "You stay here.


want for dinner, girl?" she

she was just asking him what he wanted for d

n...could m


to be a

t to talk; he just wanted me to tell him what I wanted for dinner, go buy that, have dinner, and go to sleep. It had been a long day, and it was made worse b

lled with thoughts, and he didn't want that;

hat you want fo


e had f

I'll be back later," he said, leaving the ho

wouldn't s


out who was the lucky one he was going to spend the night with, since

's none of your business," he

ou, captain?" Aya sud

n her saliva. Woma

you better hurry up becaus

't you? How romantic!" Aya was bl

patience on the verge of dying. Although he knew how to perfectly contr

announced, and Jose handed her the money. "Enjoy

h a demon!" He grow

beginning to flow


n awkwar

he strong wind outside. It had started to rain. Jose

it?" He raised an

e said, looking down. Boy, d


ld make a lot of noise.

m to be statues at the complex, or what the hell? He didn't

ifficult. Yet there was that damn migraine torturing his mind.

s almost done with everything. He left the kitchen and went straight to lie down on the couch.

he asked without stutteri

She didn't understand and just tilted her head s

odded. She smiled, half

now what they are for; I just bought them. They

and went straig

ve minutes later, Nayla appear

e it," she

them with an intermediate flavor, but this girl... this woman had prepared the most delicious tea she had ever tasted! But as the

t him expectantly about how the

. "Why are you still here?" He frowned, scaring Nayla. "Go to dinner; if y

aimed, entering the kitc

s. The tea was taki

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