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Summer on the Lakes, in 1843

Chapter 7 SAULT ST. MARIE.

Word Count: 5196    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

fort, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. A., long engaged in the fur-trade, is gratefully remembered by many travelle

he remote stations, such as La Pointe, Arbre Croche,-men who had become half wild and wholly rude, by living in t

alks, silently take my hand, and sit at my feet when I stopped in beautiful places. She seemed to understand without a word; and I never shall forget her little figure, with its light, but pensive motion, and her delicate, grave features

nd dusky-red light crossing the waters belonged to such an one; but they were always boats for Chicago or Buffalo, till, on the 28th of August, Allegro,

l and an Indian woman. They both spoke English fluently, and

vements, descriptive of things that may happen in the field, and the rest were obliged to follow. I have never heard of any dance which gave such free play to the fancy as this. French dances merely

with her their child; for whom and herself she earns a subsistence by going as chambermaid in these boats. Now and then, she said, her husband calle

work, such as travellers value, and the manner of the two was characteristic of their different nations. The Indian brought me hers, when I was alone, looked bashfully down when she gave it, and made an almost sentiment

irly shaped and clustering friendly,

y, and we could not proceed after dark.

St. Joseph's. All around was so wholly unmarked by anything but stress of wind and weather, the shores of these islands and their woods so like one another, wild and

lowers, but they were

sake of getting a living, forget to live. It is just the same in the most romantic as the most dull and vulgar places. Men get the harness on so fast, that they can never shake it off unless they guard aga

about him on it. He lamented, too, that there had been no call which induced him to develop his powers o

to the mere literati-eloquence to the mere orator. Every Caesar should be able to write his own commentary. We want a more equal, more thorou

its fair woods of sugar maple. A gentleman on board, who belongs to the Fort at the Sault, said their pastime was to come in t

oo much room with extracts. Work of this kind done in the open air, where everything is temporary, and every utensil prepared

the Russian cabbage-feast even, and our huskings and hop-gatherings-the hop-gatherings where the groups of men and g

fish, the delicacies of this region, for the same reason as I want his account of the Gens

of a Winnebago prince at the Falls of St. Anthony, which he desc

n character, that both had run the greatest risk of losing their lives during their intercourse wit

my fancy; but, as I have not, I can only refer the reader to the books thems

, and upbear us with as full a stream. I hoped we should come in sight of the rapids by daylight; but the beaut

pproaching Lake Superior; but I shall not enter into that truly wild and free region; shall not have the canoe voyage, whose daily adventure, with the camping out at night beneath the stars, woul

lly those who have before them a greater number of bir


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heir head, and sat down on a large stone to look. A little way off was one of the home lodges, unlike in shape to the temporary ones at Mackinaw, but these have been described by Mrs. Jameson. Women, too, I saw coming home from the woods, stooping under great loads of cedar boughs, that were strapped upon

noe-men in pink calico shirts, moving it about with their long poles, with a grace and dexterity worthy

mplished, and that there would come some one gasp of terror and delight, some sensation entirely new to me; but I found myself in smooth water, before I had time to feel anything but the buoyant pleasure of being carried so lightly through this surf amid the breakers. Now and then the Indians spoke to one another in a vehement jabber, which, however, had no tone that expressed other than pleasant excitement. It is, no doubt, an act of won

uite another thing caught on this spot, and cooked immediately, from what I had found it at Chicago or Mackinaw. Before, I had had the bad taste to p

I may show myself not destitute of the common feelings of humanity, I will observe that he whose affections turn in summer towards vegetables, should not come to this region, till the subject of diet be better unde

house where nothing was prepared for the table fit to touch, and even the bread could not be partaken of without a headach in consequence, I learnt to understand and sympathize with the anxious tone in which fathers of families, about to take their innocent chil

the fairest day. I saw the river, the isl

aymate, too, of the young ones. He was one of those parents,-why so rare?-who understand and live a new life in that of their children, instead of wasting time and young happiness in trying to make them conform to an object and standard of their own. The character and history of each child may be a new and poetic experi

the slang of these people intimately enough. There is a good book about Indiana, called the New Purchase, written by a person who knows the people o


me from bringing wild, natural scenes before the mind. It is pleasant for the sportsman to be in countries so alive with game; yet it is so plenty that one would think shooting pigeons or grouse would seem

ace of the frippery talk of some fine circle with its conventional sentiment, and timid, secon

ared at sunset, just as we came in sight of beautiful

ng new to occupy the attention. So childish, I thought, always to be longing for the new in the old, and the old in the new. Yet just such sadness I felt, when I looked on the island, glitteri

the same rapidity; a family not taking half an hour to prepare for departure, and the departing canoe a beautiful object. But they left behind, on all the shore, the blemishes of their stay-old rags, drie

blue broadcloth, scarlet sash and leggins, with a scarf of brighter red than the rest, tied around his head, its ends falling gracefully on one shoulder. They thought it, apparently, fine amusement to be attending two white women; they carried us into the path of the steamboat, which was going out, and paddled with all t

ng them. They were all the time coming to pay her homage, or to get her aid and advice; for she is, I am told, a shrewd woman of business. My companion carried about her sketch-book with her, and the Indians were inter

tact and sustained dissimulation worthy of Cagliostro. She seemed to have a thorough love of intrigue for its own sake, and much dramatic talent. Like the chiefs of her nation, when on an e

ge of eye and motion which cannot be put into words, and which teaches what words never can. I feel acquainted with the soul of this race; I read its nobler thought in

the red man is this: "the white man no sooner came here, than he thought of preparing the way for his posterity; the red man neve

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beneath the growing moon; we did not stay to see it full at Mackinaw. At two o'clock, one night, or rather morning, the Great Wes


nine, for I have recovered the companion with whom I set out from t

ur arms that seemed so unnecessary, has been handed down from father to child, and few of us have taken the pains to ascertain where the blame lay. But now, upon the spot, having read all the testimony, I felt convinced that it should rest solely with the governme

ight, it is clear, when viewing the location, that, under the circumstances, he had no prospe

of honor and happy intercourse with the public, yet tranquil, always secure that justice must be done at last, I supposed, like others, that he deceived himself, and deserved to pay the penalty for failure to the responsibility he had undertaken. Now on the spot, I cha

array, the band playing. Our boat swept round to a good position, and all was ready but-the Wisconsin,

or that purpose. However, he did not turn over many pages before his attention was drawn aside by the gay glances of certain damsels that came on board at Detroit, and, though Butler might afterwards be seen sticking from his pocket, it had not weight to impede him from many a feat of lightness and liveliness. I doubt if it went with him from the boat. Some there were, even, discuss

Buffalo, while I have yet the a




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