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Chasing Temptation: Escaping The Mafia King

Chapter 5 Badass Daughter

Word Count: 2544    |    Released on: 23/09/2023


kindly sent to me by Sebastian, along with many other thoughtf

the Genovese family left, an

d have at my disposal a retinue of servants who attend to my every need. I w

s me again. Despite my best efforts, my stepmother and Bianca continued t

til Sebastian arrives to take me away. God, the wait feels like an eternity! I dream of t

inted my nails. “Three years ago, he sent you gifts and one message, and then he vanished

tressing to me. Even though I knew he wasn’t interested in me, I sti

bothers to read or reply. I strive to remain unfazed, but his ignorance can be a painful

u love

ck to the present. I cleared my throat. “No. It takes mo

g wait is almost at an end, and that’s a relief. Genovese could contact us any moment, and we might he

with Sebastian was just around the corner, marking the end of my

my skin and my heart skipped a beat. “I love you, Sebastian! You came into


ze settled on Alex, one

d out who is behind this. D

ated, and we were attacked. Who would be brave enough to stand up against u

selling drugs in our territory. It is him. He’s seeking revenge against us. I was his target, bu

mind. “If you don’t mind me asking, what made you keep your daughter a secret for

to avoid meddling in my personal affairs.” He stared out the window, watching the leaves rustling in the wind. “I’m your

turned towards the door. “I’m your boss. Does that make you answerable to me?” Anton looked

ed his lips and took

to see Alex behind Connor. “Leave us alone.” The words left his lips, and

d perhaps shed some light on your daughter

oning. You shouldn’t have bothered to return

e. When the bullet hit my chest, I could feel my life slipping away, but then you appeared and saved me. You exposed my capo, w

. His mind wandered to his daughter, and he couldn’t help but shive

strengthening ties with Stallions.” He

t?” Anton interrupted him, and Connor p

She was too much for me to h

hat else are you keeping from me?” Anton’s

ated on me, so I….” Connor pr

guard. He was cognizant of his brutality and lack of me

r with another man in my bed. But every time Janet cried, and I had to pick her in my arms, her face didn’t let me forget those memories. It was as if my wife was still alive and looking at me

ter. However, my cousin and her husban

confession. “So why are you concerned now if she is kidnapped

r’s mistake. Now I want her out of my sigh

she is my daughter, they took her captive, a

was abruptly interrupted when Alex hurriedly walked insi

phone. “Put it on speaker,



eezing floor of the dungeon, and I observed the silhouettes of

father, Connor Blair, and check

my face. “Marco,” Clutching my knees to my chest, I lear

I opened my mouth, one of them clamped down on it, silencing me with a firm g

evilly. “Your daughter is safe with me.

fucking nonsense and keep your dirty hands of

lips. “You don’t sound like a helpless father. I thoug

, how

e of comfort knowing that he still cared about me and that the little confi

that you’re sending t

ou even know the worth of those r

she ever existed.” The sound of their sinister voices sent a wave of fear down my back. “

choice!” He finished the call and

men in the world, you chos

e and retort. Gradually, the fog in my mind lifted as the drugs wore off, a


to be his daughter! Just be a man enough and fight with me alone without your wolves.” My eyes quickly d

twisted into a sneer. “Unless it’s a be

st them outside the bedroom!” I glared at him. “You guy

again, and my father finally answered i

s too much! We can’t

allure to him than the beating of my heart. Marco gave me a mischievous smile as

ase. However, if you want money i

e. Despite the threat of harm, my father remained loyal to the Genovese fami

o hard that I fell to the ground, the me

ith a drug, and everything started to fade slowly until


bark echoed through the room. “I explicitly asked you to say yes to them

her actions. We spent an entire year smuggling those diamonds, and if we betray Stallions, he’ll make s

e stood before Anton, showing no signs of remorse for

best choice he has is to contact me

t free if you pretended that diamonds meant more to you than she did? What if the rever

situation, I will not go against the Genovese. I can’t put the Genovese family in danger. Going agains

as I say!” Anton voiced i

Whether it’s Stallion or any other mobster, my soldiers are the first line of defense to reach you. I canno

it in disbelief, trying to comprehend Connor’s decision. In a matter of minutes, his disposition

igarette, taking in the sight of the trees dancing in the cool breeze. He blew the

to come back now. And it should be nothi

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1 Chapter 1 Sebastian's Proposition2 Chapter 2 The Alliance3 Chapter 3 Making of the Mafia King4 Chapter 4 The Capo's Daughter5 Chapter 5 Badass Daughter6 Chapter 6 Return: Nothing Short of Impressive7 Chapter 7 The Emerald Ring8 Chapter 8 Impulsive Move9 Chapter 9 Sold10 Chapter 10 Highest Bidder11 Chapter 11 Prized Possession 12 Chapter 12 You're Mine!13 Chapter 13 Pang of Jealousy14 Chapter 14 Out of League15 Chapter 15 You Belong to Me!16 Chapter 16 Harder17 Chapter 17 Reminders of You18 Chapter 18 Close to You19 Chapter 19 Unofficially Engaged20 Chapter 20 Sounds Appealing21 Chapter 21 Label of Sold22 Chapter 22 Twisted & Mysterious23 Chapter 23 Sebastian's Amorina24 Chapter 24 Smitten Puppy25 Chapter 25 Glaring Spotlight26 Chapter 26 Just One Night27 Chapter 27 His Heaven in Hell28 Chapter 28 Walked Right In & Conquered29 Chapter 29 Mafia Queen or Paramour30 Chapter 30 Connor's Version31 Chapter 31 Priesthood32 Chapter 32 Anything for Janet33 Chapter 33 Janet saved Larisa34 Chapter 34 Sebastian Shot Himself35 Chapter 35 Everything Changed36 Chapter 36 Secret of Painting37 Chapter 37 Alpha Mafia King38 Chapter 38 His Death Angel39 Chapter 39 Sebastian's Darkness40 Chapter 40 Big Bad Alpha41 Chapter 41 She Restrains Me42 Chapter 42 Connor's Trap43 Chapter 43 Lovers to Enemies44 Chapter 44 Love lost to Revenge45 Chapter 45 Ruthless Mafia King46 Chapter 46 Grieving Hearts47 Chapter 47 Different Worlds48 Chapter 48 Orchestrated49 Chapter 49 An Air of Intrigue50 Chapter 50 Whisper in the Dark51 Chapter 51 Lovers to Enemies52 Chapter 52 Sweet Threat53 Chapter 53 New Threat54 Chapter 54 Lord of Darkness55 Chapter 55 Sweet Torture56 Chapter 56 The Bar Encounter57 Chapter 57 Elevator Affair