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The Revenge Of The Lycan King

Chapter 3 Where is the seal

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 04/08/2023


hed my eyelids were heavy as I slowly opened my eyes. How long wa

ts echoing outside my cell. The sound got closer and closer

l look "stand up, you mongrel, the king called f

made every part of my body feel numb. The guard

om had four vicious gu

the King Avalon had called for me. A lot was going through my head

ve brought him" one

oice replied resonat

he guards as they brought me to my k

pestries. King Avalon sat on his tribe

to pieces. The thought of seeing the one that destroyed my Eldoria and not being able t

imagine you'd be captured so easily." He

k you about the seal have

al??" I said fe

possession of Eldorians. It grants

f up a bit, I looked into his eyes and said "even if I

ave a choice??" He said "you're now my slave

an but you can never make m

guards take him to the tower of solitude deprive him of food an

rs replied as they mad

s they forcefully picked me up with my

g my whole system was broken as I was being dr

ays I saw the sky it was bright almost too bright

upward with an unwavering strength. It's exterior adorned with different carvings has been eroded

xpect inside. My heart pounded in my chest and sweat cover

nd the inside was very dark and nois

faster than normal. My resolve shaken "should I tell him everything

han the last one and the walls was not smooth I tried sitting and a knife like object pierced my skin

hment was nothing like the ones I'v

guish " To carry the weight of a fallen kingdom, haunted by the faces of thos

said with a resolute voice

e power. "Maybe I'll use this vulnerability against him." I tho

al with the one who had taken away my pride and defiled my honor w

ous and filled with burdens of the past but I have to go through them, no matter what happens I have to

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