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Chapter 7 Are you mental

Word Count: 3289    |    Released on: 02/08/2023

ving to kneel at Grace's side, stud

es. Her pale, creamy skin sharply contrasted with the golden curls

ub the other night, the sight of her beautiful

e. He understood the outer shell was meaningless; it was his soul that was pure and

ashing his renegade

ecome the mate of a powerful pureblood vampi

ore than a fictitious heartbeat. Louie wasn't supposed to impregnate her mother, but fate had other plans. And, as a pure-bred vampire, James' blood was powerful enough to change humans into his kin

protect his child and teach her the ways of the undea

room. So why couldn't he sense her curse? This woman was not only left to wander the world without even a single

ould curse an

leaned forward, barely resisting the urge to brush his mouth

te, and then the long, luxuriousl

nch to the gut. Her e

were so delicate and lush that anyone could have fall

ough the air. Dear goddess, he'd never come so close to losing contr

listering reaction, Grace st


r forehead. Then the realisatio

e her head but was halted by the tr


re you doing her

ur, and we share

er eyes. "Unbelievable! That is pure

ollowing me?"


r what happened just a few

andered over his face, her nose fl

omeone else's room just because you heard a scream,

his bemusement shattered by an icy chill. Quite an accomplis

James, not a thief," he

ation or just oblivious to it. "So how did you manage to op

a mast

n her tongue before she gave a slow

't know," he said,

loor. The nightgown that she'd been wearing when she slept rustled like a music

, stepping away fr

ars are buzzing l

have any idea what happened e

es were not impossible to read in the darkness. "Wha


heavy wooden chairs that w

ier, I mean before I

ht be desperately in lust with the female. And there might hav

t. And he wasn't going t

you do to the r

r her shoulder, her pale eyes swirling with p


er fingers over a marble statue that looked as if it'd bee

de the living room on the othe

," James murmured, clearl

talking about?" Grace

o you r

earlier, I mean in the m-morning, then I wen

" he asked. He h


ree months ago, Grace." He muttered,


was three m

t belie

in shock. Was

the bed." He said this with a smirk and began telling her

her sleep for the whole night and when morning came, Grace did nothing but watch Korean movies and eat ice cream the whole day, and the n

and accompany the billionaire and their soon-to-be CEO on their improm

w smirking at her, none other than himself. He remembered how Grace was so embarrassed and couldn't look at him. Then

ed to see the latest executive overall hotel reports, but none of them met his high standards. Finally, the old man suggested giving Grace her unfinished report

estroyed the old man's car. But Grace got the wrong car. She ended up destroying his car instead. Then he made her pay for the clean-up and repairs to avoid getting

in his mansion the next day a

e it was her birthday. Coincidentally, it was also his birthday. But nobody remembered it except for his head chef. After all, he was a vampire, and his birthday was just a nuisance to his existence, but Grace, who arrived at his mansion. He thought he would do everything to teach her the life of the undead, but to his surprise, something awa

red in his mansion with a cake in her hand. The two ended up eating the cake without a word being said, then he made he

ir job was saved; she was invited to the celebration; then she was re-hire

t drunk and thought she should thank him. After her friends left,

ended to fall into a drunken sleep. After all, she

do a background check on Grace Lim's friends and her grandmother, as he t

e balcony again, but something happened. She noticed the changes in her five senses, which were

ood, which awakened his hybrid vampire bloodline. She accidentally killed her captors and dropped her necklace. He watched what happened from a

ars from the shadows and erases her memory of that night, bu

e it was very important. It was a remembrance from his unknown father. But he told her that she had to earn his trust

boring look becoming something his inner demon would savour as he attempted to lure her and slowly made her open her eyes to his world, which led them into having passionate love making on man

After all, for centuries, when he fed on a woman, they all ended up dead. After all, her friend

tive need and that his longing was nothing but sex. After all, he was cursed to be like that for eternity, to never feel love and ge

days, ordering her to do some impossible errands on different occasions that made Grace question her own job description. He made her work overtime, made her work even on weekends, and made her do overtime at his m

they fell into the water. Grace, having the scare of her life, unable to swim, held James tightly and ended up kissing him on the lips, which ended up biting him and tasting his blood. Then, later on, th

lp from an old friend, and the man told him that his curse was getting worse and the only thing that could save him from his impending doom

and never leave the mansion. Still, she was wondering about James's true intention of giving her a hard time

e vampire hunters, the powerful sorcerer from thousands of years ago, who killed James' family, his siblings, and the king and queen of vampires in the kingdom of Nork. Flora was hiding from her own kind, the h

the only way to awaken the Master Hunter was to get another blood from Flora's bloodline, which turned out to be her granddaughter, Grace Lim. But the hunters were in for a big surprise because Grace

time, unable to comprehend w

unted but vam

ense?" She raised her brow. "Honey's dead? My grandmother is a sorceress. I am a hybr

, you took us back in time?

was a part of her bed, her brow furrowed

t belie

e. See all the messages. Emails.

was, emails and messages exchanged between her and James. Pictur

went to the mirror and opened her mouth as wide as she could possibly open it but found nothing in there that

I know. Do not freak ou

es were gone... Everything was... unnatural. She was paler than norma

red at the wall, seemingly lost in her thou


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1 Chapter 1 Long time ago2 Chapter 2 Present time3 Chapter 3 Sweet Kiss4 Chapter 4 Going Home5 Chapter 5 At the party6 Chapter 6 What happened 7 Chapter 7 Are you mental 8 Chapter 8 Altered future9 Chapter 9 Come to me10 Chapter 10 Mistress11 Chapter 11 Rated PG12 Chapter 12 Here at last13 Chapter 13 You are real14 Chapter 14 Must taste her blood15 Chapter 15 Levy16 Chapter 16 Naked Hot17 Chapter 17 Lust18 Chapter 18 Bring me with you19 Chapter 19 She was his20 Chapter 20 Hell21 Chapter 21 Escape22 Chapter 22 Now or never23 Chapter 23 Mine24 Chapter 24 Back to present25 Chapter 25 Trance26 Chapter 26 Far away27 Chapter 27 Guilt28 Chapter 28 Memories29 Chapter 29 Unexpected30 Chapter 30 James31 Chapter 31 Such a jerk32 Chapter 32 New breed33 Chapter 33 Brotherhood34 Chapter 34 Lander35 Chapter 35 Darius36 Chapter 36 The girls37 Chapter 37 Pool38 Chapter 38 Arrggg!39 Chapter 39 Play with fire40 Chapter 40 Take me please41 Chapter 41 Take Me42 Chapter 42 Back to the past43 Chapter 43 Awake44 Chapter 44 Scar45 Chapter 45 Message46 Chapter 46 Rated PG47 Chapter 47 Rated PG48 Chapter 48 Rated49 Chapter 49 Four Beast50 Chapter 50 Ugly Beast51 Chapter 51 The beast52 Chapter 52 James' head53 Chapter 53 James' memories54 Chapter 54 James55 Chapter 55 Grace56 Chapter 56 Grace57 Chapter 57 Daniel58 Chapter 58 Grace and Daniel59 Chapter 59 2030 60 Chapter 60 Back to Nork61 Chapter 61 Present62 Chapter 62 Wake Up63 Chapter 63 Where is James64 Chapter 64 Grace65 Chapter 65 Brotherhood66 Chapter 66 Confused67 Chapter 67 Back to Nork68 Chapter 68 Saving Grace69 Chapter 69 Waking Up70 Chapter 70 Rated PG71 Chapter 71 Rated PG72 Chapter 72 Rated PG73 Chapter 73 Rated PG74 Chapter 74 Rated PG 75 Chapter 75 Mine76 Chapter 76 Away77 Chapter 77 Nork78 Chapter 78 Goodbye79 Chapter 79 Where 80 Chapter 80 Back81 Chapter 81 Mask82 Chapter 82 Tent83 Chapter 83 My slave84 Chapter 84 Rated PG85 Chapter 85 End of Book 1