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Chapter 9 Dios mio!

Word Count: 841    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

o her feet and stood, dramatically flipping her hair into place. With open arms sh

g up my arms to receive her. She pushed Henry awa

fully, no doubt with a smile,

ear, a little worried. My girl frien

look me in the eyes. She had that 'let's go' stare and I knew that it was a 'let's go' s

tting her pull me in the direction of th

s of gasps that annoyed me but I kinda

stood, we had a perfect view of the ground floor. The design of the staircase gave a rectangular

g her eyes shut and reopening them. She held onto the

ases to the third floor. A less crowded one and another with arrogant puta, who bumpe

o fail me when I kissed Henry th

," I yelled at the hooded figure. The per

ps, we finally reached the party floor. I guess I shouldn't have been su

cohol is not a part of it," I told her before she could ask. She rolled

es you," s

–model but I was legally a professional, who has done a variety

as a mumbling idiot, who

swear she was about to pu

female population of Black Pond High and let's face it, a good majority of White Lake too. I don't want to sab

hat I'll always choose you first, over any guy. I will put our friendship before any of my future relationships,"

notice. I'll tell her later. S

calling you out on your shit and criticising y

were designer her opinion

he said with a smile, placi


r do anything fun in my life. I just know that I walked into that party uncomfortable with a bad feeling in my stomach

crunch and a hard tud. I didn't want to know what it was but when I looked I wished that I

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