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Hidden Mafia King and the Fearless CEO

Chapter 6 No longer pure

Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 12/11/2023

ips curled into a little smile as she sipped a

" Dante stated as

d looked Dante in the eyes. "What

ssed his lips together. "Soon I'll rip that sm

one she delegated the task of hacking into the hotel's security system in order to pla

out the culprit. We'll impose proper discipline and ask every

ppen. Fuego alone had the power to threaten the media, and now that Antonete has ties to the strong

ce, the so

nd she anticipates the post to trend later, especially given Gia's celebrity. She's als

number one on social media? My gosh, they're insane!" said t

se pictures? Go

social media. Tsk. Her name is r

elieve what is writ

re hall was in disarray. Her phone suddenly vibra

dress but I blocked that person. I'm afrai

fted her brow. "Is it one of

tack, I'm afraid it's

d her gaze


er know that professional's skill is not to be underestimated. It just means that there is someone inside

ed a line. Wh

she had only just realized it. She reprimanded herself in private. She was dubbed the organizatio

with Alex, which is why her body ignored his star

not a go

ut Alex was faster. When she was about to reach the h

?" Alex asked, his m

ff," she warned,

side wound. The man winced, and his face

oblem?" she inquired, instantly grabbin

e wound might not have healed entirely. She had forgotten about that aspect becau

und. She lost her footing but quickly gripped the table and

with a murderous desire

I let her hurt you. Your wound is yet to get healed but there are girls who are really restless and want to climb onto your bed

She squinted and averted her gaze. Gia said those words to make people thin

le dressing room earlier with Gia and insulted her. "You desperate loser! Kuya Alex doesn't like you but you always run after him and do

oo bad, she's pretty but flirtatious. It's Mr. Fuego's engag

en who can't live without a man's

even more as she noticed Robert behind the guests who were staring at her strangel

Gia had escaped the guests' scrutiny. Good. Very good. How e

I want to see who's b

ut of the hall, leaving the members of the Fuego and Anto

the lady of Fuego asked in exhaustion. The elderly lady w

swered, asking his cousin to accompan

s head in front of Alex, saying, "Thank you for forgiving my

er to behave or she'll go home w

, ye

by one, especially after seeing Alex's grim face.

and Fuego clan members' scrutinizing gazes earlier when they observed her sit

crew's just a scapegoat. So

her mouth twitched. Her husband's brain had to be wi

ed Dante Antonete approaching her with a gloomy face. Her brow furrowed and the co

man?" Dante asked, stepping in front o

te?" her husband questioned, approaching

her hand out of Alex's grasp. She gaz

ould not associate yourself wit

ked at Dante. "What kind of woman am

old it. Dante's expression darkened even more when he saw how she acted. Je

ughed at

flirting with you and your cousin Robert! You should choose

Gia Antonete?" she giggled, slapping Alex's h

beautiful face like hers, but men might have obtained a copy of her n*des and, well, love Gia's naked body. Mr. Antonete, your

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1 Chapter 1 Her husband's fiancee2 Chapter 2 Sitting on his lap3 Chapter 3 Wake up4 Chapter 4 Prettier than her5 Chapter 5 Raise the glass for a toast6 Chapter 6 No longer pure7 Chapter 7 The son's missing8 Chapter 8 The party9 Chapter 9 Another attempt10 Chapter 10 Recruited a new sidekick11 Chapter 11 Who poisoned you 12 Chapter 12 His three women13 Chapter 13 Strange treatment14 Chapter 14 The beggar with a necklace15 Chapter 15 I was pregnant when I left you16 Chapter 16 Opps, I broke your bone17 Chapter 17 Pretending assistant18 Chapter 18 Stabbing incident at the store19 Chapter 19 Strange fetish20 Chapter 20 My husband, how is he 21 Chapter 21 Code X22 Chapter 22 How dare you bring your woman home 23 Chapter 23 No chance to speak24 Chapter 24 Had lost this war without you knowing why25 Chapter 25 It hurts!26 Chapter 26 Threatened to sign27 Chapter 27 He's nervous28 Chapter 28 Two naked bodies under the sheets29 Chapter 29 Walked straight into a trap30 Chapter 30 Not for the eyes of ordinary31 Chapter 31 I need your help32 Chapter 32 The world of Mafia33 Chapter 33 Another woman 34 Chapter 34 My godson is missing !35 Chapter 35 Tragic fate of her first son (1)36 Chapter 36 Tragic fate of her son(2)37 Chapter 37 Family token38 Chapter 38 Mafia's token39 Chapter 39 Done giving them face(1)40 Chapter 40 Done giving them face(2)41 Chapter 41 Bet with the Mafia(1)42 Chapter 42 Bet with the mafia(2)43 Chapter 43 Carol and Agent Z44 Chapter 44 Carol and Agent Z (2)45 Chapter 45 Smiling like they were friends46 Chapter 46 Lying next to him47 Chapter 47 Sleep with me48 Chapter 48 The hospital