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In Love With A Lycan Alpha

Chapter 4 What's wrong

Word Count: 1212    |    Released on: 31/07/2023

re on the door, waiting fo

Kace walked in, avoidin

mmediately to see what time it was. He ran over in a hurry when he heard

surprise. The moonshine pack was always challenging Devon’s authority. Their Alpha Raphe

isbelief. “Yes, Kace, or do I need to rep

e to Kace. “Make no mistakes, Kace. This is very important” Devon raised his hand and signaled Kace to come closer. "Give thi

himself. Kace looked left and right to see if anyone was coming. He walked to a pillar close by and was beh

he saw who took the envelope from him. It was his Beta

. “Do you know what would happen to you if Devon caught you doing

k and be back before tonight,” Lucas

ke this to me if it’s so important,” Kace

ate with his Beta and Gamma through his mind. He used it only when he needed t

n,” Lucas said as he wal

hael’s pack. He was wandering about our territory. I

ny form they desire, but only for an amount of time. They we

found out about this. He was supposed to report to Devon

his is my first time hearing

at was and report to me on the shapeshifters case

ifters,” He cursed,

His wolf was trying to go over the edge. He was trying to control it the best he

ay?” Lucas’ voice filled with co

o do so. He closed his eyes shut. His wolf was about to surf

cas was also Devon’s close friend, or rather only friend. He h

” Lucas nudged his shoul

ep blue colored eyes changed into a de

point out the change but

He closed his eyes, taking control of h

n? you have been ov

t it out. I think that’s the reason,” Devon pointed out. Lucas no

ed to let mine out too,” Lucas s

e asked me to go. He might make a mistake,” Lucas

just sit around all day doing nothin

on’t trust him a bit,” Lucas

nd Doris will have my head if you have a single scratch

face. He looked at Devon through the mirror, gazing a

pernatural world knew abo

rsed to be without a mate by the moon god

. In most cases, a werewolf would have gone feral if they stayed without a mat

The only reason he wasn’t feral was because he was a Lyca

reets of the city were still no longer lively as midnight already.

n le

misheard. He looked at Devo through the rearvie

and Lucas did so immediatel

cas tried to get through

ft!” Dev

road. He missed the turn, as he wa

hand was on the steerin

ed loudly when the

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