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Sold once, Married twice

Chapter 44Ā To girls who faced heartbreak and healed, I am proud of you.

Word Count: 1196 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 17/09/2023



old was Dela, hugged her bag pack tightly to her chest as she waved goodbye to her friends behind her, Ray had

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1 Chapter 1 Dedicated to the girls who endured parental divorce 2 Chapter 2 To all the girls who painted villains with love 3 Chapter 3 To the girls who survived sexual assault 4 Chapter 4 To the girls who found passion in darkness 5 Chapter 5 To the girls who overcame heartbreak and found strength within 6 Chapter 6 To the girls who battled anxiety and found in the face of fear7 Chapter 7 To the girls who faced fear head on and emerged as fearless warriors 8 Chapter 8 Thank the girls who danced with danger fearlessly 9 Chapter 9 To the girls who found passion in darkness 10 Chapter 10 To the girls who found light in shadows11 Chapter 11 To all the girls whose favorite color is black 12 Chapter 12 To all the girls who danced with danger fearlessly 13 Chapter 13 To the girls whose dream were shattered but never their spirit 14 Chapter 14 To the girls who experienced loss15 Chapter 15 Thank the girls who captivated villain's heart 16 Chapter 16 To the girls whose scars tell 17 Chapter 17 To the girls conquering demons, finding peace 18 Chapter 18 To the girls who found beauty in tormented souls 19 Chapter 19 Thank the girls embracing villains, loving darkness 20 Chapter 20 To the girls who embraced the beauty of dark hearts 21 Chapter 21 To the girls whose beauty emerged from brokeness 22 Chapter 22 To the girls who healed their inner child 23 Chapter 23 To the girls embracing darkness, loving villians24 Chapter 24 To the girls who discovered twisted affection 25 Chapter 25 Thank the girls writing their own resilience 26 Chapter 26 To the girls drawn to love shrouded in misery 27 Chapter 27 To the girls bravely breaking Free 28 Chapter 28 To the girls whose heart wander fearlessly 29 Chapter 29 To the girls who had to get Medusa drawings 30 Chapter 30 To the girls who found beauty in tormented souls 31 Chapter 31 To the girls who dreamed of prince charming 32 Chapter 32 To the girls who want to be rough handled 33 Chapter 33 To the girls who wanted to be treated like queens 34 Chapter 34 To the girls currently reading this 35 Chapter 35 To girls who love babies 36 Chapter 36 To all the girls that got the peace they deserve 37 Chapter 37 To the girls who are painted villains for standing their ground 38 Chapter 38 To the girls who will one day become women 39 Chapter 39 To my sexy girls 40 Chapter 40 To all the girls with hidden 41 Chapter 41 To the girls who suffered childhood trauma 42 Chapter 42 To the girls who discovered love in self redemption 43 Chapter 43 To the girls turning pain into power 44 Chapter 44 To girls who faced heartbreak and healed, I am proud of you.45 Chapter 45 To the girls who are afraid to fall inlove46 Chapter 46 For the souls who willingly surrender to the charms 47 Chapter 47 For the souls who would willingly give themselves 48 Chapter 48 To girls that wants to be 49 Chapter 49 To girls who think fictional 50 Chapter 50 To everyone who read till this point