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Legacy Feud: Brothers' Ruin.

Legacy Feud: Brothers' Ruin.


Chapter 1 The wealthy man

Word Count: 650    |    Released on: 25/07/2023

t fortune through hard work, shrewd investments, and a brilliant mind for business. As the city's most prominent figure, he was admired by m

p passion for business. From a young age, he shadowed his father, learning the ins and outs of the family enterprise. While he

in a carefree lifestyle. Unlike Edward, he didn't show much interest in the family business and preferred to explore

evident that his days were numbered. In a bid to preserve his legacy

sure that my hard-earned wealth is put to good use. I have decided to divide my fortune equally between both of you. Each of

urmoil. They loved their father dearly but were not prepared for h

was attended by many, and for a brief moment, the brothers found solace in

being equal beneficiaries, Edward and William couldn't agree on how to manage the family business. Edward

lieved they knew what was best for the legacy of their father, and pride got the better o

oyal to the family for years found themselves caught in the crossfire of the brothers' rivalry. The once-prosperou

aside their differences. But their hearts were consumed with bitterness and gree

the fractured relationship between the brothers. Eventually, the rift became too

can destroy even the most powerful of families. The once-admired brothers, Edward and William, died with their hearts hea

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