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The Billionaire's Pet

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1738    |    Released on: 20/07/2023

naire. He was a serial entrepreneur who had shares

rly 8 million dollars in its first year alone. The young billionaire was said to hav

lic functions and when he did, it was only for a few minutes. He would disappear into o

that she’d sent to him previously. He was easily offended, and he’d even sent away some ladies wit

t would it take to impre

” Momma D replied with a

nt a driver to pick her up at Momma D’s residence. She’d be

efully furnished. There were some freshly made finger foods, and bottles of chi

eant she was not allowed to have a conversation with him. Vivian was t

vian became fidgety. Where was she bee

r the guise of sending her to a so-called rec

get the driver’s attention. The blac

r asked without taking

aking me to? How much lon

Miss. We’ll be ther

of the road. Every form of civilization had been left behind over half an hour ag

ve at our destination short

Where exactly are we going t

Hartley County. That’

le, supermarkets, malls, and schools. It seemed like they’d driven back int

on,” the driver said an

It was an exclusive estate near Bakersfield, reserved for the uber-wealthy who wanted to liv

s a crazy world. One couldn’t be too careful, especially

state surrounded by neatly tended shrubbery. The house ahead of them was a towering three

d wood, and it was painted white. It loo

ian whispe

t housed other luxury cars and power bikes. The divider rolled do

,” he said

replied with a sm

stepped out of his seat. Vivian was impressed by h

As she alighted from the vehicle, Vivian wondered what

what would she have

The elderly man informed her that his boss would be w

erior taste of the homeowner. Vivian sat on a plush white sof

the same time. There was a huge Renaissance painting hanging ove

ink, Miss?” The butl

ke a glass of wine.

d disappeared into anot

dude, but she wasn’t nervous. He just might be another

of money so she could continue the life of

drink and he set it on the

you,” s

. Would you lik

” she said w

ndered if the butler was the only dome

ead,” a deep voi

d dozed off on the couch w

the floor. The man who had spoken was tall, dark, ruggedl

haved head to his smiling face. He had a full beard th

n eyes twinkled with humor as he watched Vivian’s reaction

y,” she said

sleeping on duty. That wasn’t suppose

aid kindly. “The long ride here

ink so,” s

eyes,” he remarked.

uch of green,” s

ost defining feature and she agreed. All thanks t

h your drink,” h

to, but then

at’s yo


l name,”

” she r

r and this is my place

ok her through a long corridor that had an as

silence. When they got there, he took her to a massive offic

n appreciation as

atly arranged on each layer. The huge polished teakwood desk in

here was beyond breathtaking. It was obvious that the billionair

e size?” Oscar a

asn’t sure if the question w

size,” he

e 9.

e wall to the side, revealing a hidden closet. Inside it was neatly stacked wi

raight brown wig with a thick fringe, a pair of gold Louboutin pumps with

the boardroom,” he said in a business-like tone. “The boa

Shades vibes. It seemed this billionaire guy was into

th the drink inside the decanter and serve them at the table. Once you’re done with that, you’ll come back here to

she’s ever been in her entire

ked waitress? Was he playing a t

rdingly,” he said and walked out of

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