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Love in the Boardroom

Chapter 4 The Mistake

Word Count: 637    |    Released on: 19/07/2023

Part 1: A Co

ed with a growing desire to prove herself in her new role as his trusted secretary.Amidst the hustle and bustle, Melisa received an urgent email from one of their most prestigious clients, Stanton Industries. The email, from the company's CEO, Mr. James St

She meticulously reviewed the amendments, comparing them to the original contract. Every det

her judgment. In a lapse of concentration, Melisa overlooked a crucial clause buried within the document, failing to catch an error that would have significant financial consequences

- Part 2: Th

ed scrutiny, his usually composed demeanor faltered. His eyes narrowed, and his bro

rare display of frustration. "Melisa, explain this oversight

er veins, leaving her momentarily paralyzed. With a trembling voice, she tried to explai

his magnitude, Melisa," he admonished, his voice cutting through the air. "The consequences

lapse, and I assure you that it will never happen again."Mavin's expression remained stern, his disappointment etched upon his features. He regarded Melisa

. Stanton Industries was known for its stringent business practices, and any error on their part could irreparably damage the trust they had built.With a heavy silence hanging between them, Mavin turned

at had begun to form between her and Mavin. The future of the multimillion-dollar contract and the professional relation

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