Round About the Carpathians
Coal mines at Auima-Steirdorf-Geology-
strict. They confine their attention to iron and coal. There are extensive paraffine-works in Oravicza; the crude oil is distilled from the black shale of the Steirdorf coal, yielding five per cent of petroleum. At Moldova, where we were rec
Subsequent to my visit his people came upon what I think the miners call a
traggling along in the shadow of the deeply-cleft valley, while beyond stretched the sunlit plain, level as a sea, rich with fields of ripe corn. The mists still lingered around me in the mountains, roll
here is said to be the best in Hungary. The output, I am told, is 150,000 tons; but only one-third of this is sold, t
ned by horizontal drifts or kennels into the side of the hills. The coal is mined by vertical shafts. The ironstone
ce of engineering work. In a distance of about twenty miles it ascends 1100 feet, in some parts as much as one foot in five. They have very powerful engines and a cogwheel arra
ice is in Paris. It obtained large concessions in the Banat during the Austrian rule in Hungary, acquiring a considerable amount of property at very much below its real value; in consequence the company is looked upon with some degree of jealousy by the Hungarians. Of forest-land alone
ling against this corruption, even amongst those who ought to show an example to the community. They have also a droll w