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My Crazy Obsession

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1150    |    Released on: 14/07/2023

eath I was holding when I hear the click of her heels following me. I look at the windows that line the garage and see both Joey and Butch watching. Probably wondering

e the door behind her. Then I hit the blinds on the window that

lap. Her pink nail polish is perfectly done, and as I watch her fingers play with

verything is worn and old so I don’t worry about it getting fucked up. The contrast between her and the room is another reminder that she’d never be with someone like m

she stayed in town a little longer. “But I wouldn’t go too far for a while.” The lie trips off my tongue easily, but

it. She doesn’t look like she belongs around here, seeing as there isn’t much to this s

y-five for the

into her purse and pulls out

don’t tell her that we take cards, just not A

an ATM or something real quick.” She starts

ore. They keep slipping from me, but I want to see her again. Maybe if I can get her back here tomorrow, I can come up with a game p

down into the

with the money.” I stand up and walk to the

still have a few errands I

ng in the chair, staring up at me. Her eyes are pleading, like

gives me an opening, and I’m going to take it. I stroll back over to the front of

’t know what made me say it, but the words are out of my mouth before I can pull them back. I expect he

I don’t make her finish, because I’m impatient. If sh

ss up. I want to

nds, her knuckles going white. Is she really this fucking shy? Nobody who looks like her, who’s dressed like that, is shy.

so her legs go on either side of my large thighs as I stay seated on the edge of the desk. She lets ou

s up, revealing white satin panties. Her legs are s


ight has my cock pushing against the zipper of my jeans, and I

t I want her to hold up her dres

you. Now giv

od, what I’d give to bury my face between her thick thighs and make her scream my name. I’d make her tell her who’s givi

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