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Ghost Husband

Chapter 7Ā A Glimpse into the Spirit World

Word Count: 540 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 12/07/2023

wed upon them by the Spectral Council. As they traveled deeper into the spectral plane, the et

, and time spun in unpredictable loops. Lena's steps felt weightless, and her sen

ent leaves reached towards the shifting skies, and flowers emitted a soft, otherworldly glow. This was a place where illu

ther unyielding. They encountered spectral beings that danced in the moonlit glades-tricks

onnection and the truth that flowed through their veins. Through their love's anchoring power,

nt specter awaited them-a guardian of secrets and a harbinger of truth. It

" the specter spoke, its words resounding within their souls. "Only by

ransported into a realm of swirling darkness, where phantom fears materialized-an embodiment

e strength they had found in one another. With courage and resilience, they fought back ag

d and their love fortified. The guardian of the Enchanted Forest appea

its voice. "The truth awaits you, but be warned-it is a revelation that will

looming revelations and the trials yet to come, knowing that each step forward would br

uncovering long-lost secrets that would shake the foundations of their understanding and propel them towards their ultim

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