The Eerie Moments
eaving for the village of Pastak. Emilie and the King made effort stopping her but
re you going?
to stop me. I know
ed with a disturbing e
, told me the
other. Lucas, the king of
f turmoil. He decided to calm Mia and
ogether. Emilie was already distort
hat is Mia talking about?
responded with tears r
derstands his temperament and it was now obvious
well but Lucas is going to be an easy ca
e of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Lucas de
face indicates are agreem
dle the situation but, suddenly
knows about war? You need to train her first so, she can
led to Oscar reconside
alace, a total of six soldiers surrounded the portion. The porti
in the same style which makes them ap
he training ground, a swordstick is used but wh
ck and placed another on his
projected at her and the
duration of five days, your sk
ow an enemy should be captu
ght Mia how to pro
ia how to use other weapons
Mia how to overtake an
can exercise her skills on what she has been
resent watching Mia and Os
rise when Mia defeated
ced that Mia has been fortified with t
Mia, the true Princess of Kast
"Our stratagem is not complete. Oscar, t
bered on this planet, fea