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Word Count: 1317    |    Released on: 10/07/2023

nnoticed by me. I lost myself completely

intention of letting go. I literally gasped for breath. With each of his passionate kisses, I couldn't help bu

my head. It turns out there were positions and gestures that intensified the sensations. And it

my body. I didn't know if Marius did it intentionally, but becau

see the corner of his lips lifting, revealing a misc

nly utter, then

o good a

oxicating. No matter how hard I tried to r

sing my neck. One of his hands re

rrent state, I felt like I had no other choice but

sides of my cheeks, I couldn't deny the intense

allow me to sa

Along with it, he repeatedly pressed against my femininity

wonderful," I

lingered. And just like before, soft sighs and moans escaped my lips u

ly remove the two tiny garments I had on. Instantly, my cheeks b

irst man to see

ldn't regret it for reasons I couldn't fathom. This was despite the fact that we had no special relationship other than h

just bu

And I knew he felt the same way about me too. Perhaps th

essed, filled with admiration as his gaze

that engulfed me instantly. His gaze alone felt like an inten

ightly wrapped both of my arms around his neck. This time

inexperienced girl waiting to be fed, so that's what I did. Little did I know that my response only fueled Marius's

I felt his hot mouth travel further down, reaching the peak of my bosom. That's when I involuntarily gaspe

unable to contain the elect

don't claim you now," I heard Mar

nd instead, I met

me stop, okay?" M

body. I knew what Marius meant. Perhaps he was worried that in the middl

ted this too and that I didn't want him to stop until we

hout hesitation," I added as h

ces. The kiss was brief, for as soon as Marius released my lips, he focused on th

rembling as I closed my eyes and emb

from both my breasts. His skilled and experienced tongue sent electrifying sensat

hardly keep my eyes open, wanting to savor eve

felt his gentle hand softly caressing the area between my thighs, my femininity, I couldn't

le still exploring my w

ed, biting m

d in a tone I couldn't re

, my hands trembling as

sked in the same tone, and his intense g

as I felt the speed of Marius

arly waiting for my answe

with a deep breath, I opened my eyes to meet h

excitement in his e

he next thing I felt was the full penetration of Marius's finger int

he began to move in a

illfully pleasured me, taking me to heights of ecstasy I had never experienced before. The wor

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