A pair of a school girl
es past eleven on the first
or seven whole weeks had
er mercies of paperhangers
onted aspect of life and
he opinion of everybody c
fresh school year, and par
, many changes made in th
long list in the register.
t morning in the great l
ollege; five additional c
esses. At the eleven o'clo
hronged the staircase and p
oms, and overflowed int
rts and descriptions, fro
mn and overawed) from the
eventeen who were studyin
the Juniors' Common
whose average age probab
ie Morris was a giantess
re bent together in clos
active, for after the long
about that it seemed almo
ems of news with s
nd," said Grace Russell.
t! Pictures in the cla
lass window in the lecture
nd the studio floor polish
p from top
didn't smell so abominab
opened the studio door
ool certainly looks much
has been
shed ink on the wall las
ross Miss Hardy
t I'd done it on purpose,
. Well, thank goodness we'
h their forms. I'm of the
ls that I don't know than t
rse, and she may c
our being in the Upper Four
up together," said Doroth
nd, and she won't be miss
he addition of
vie Morris, "that we're t
of us will be chosen Ward
a frantic excitement! We s
f Miss Tempest has put up t
ard and see; there's just t
at once, pushing and jos
ture hall. There was a crow
ir way to the front notwith
s's own handwriting, and t
ointment, according as th
uck f
t call
othy Greenfield
ch of you'll promi
rge day school. Its pupil
rounding district, many co
er the headmistress-ship
that extra accommodation
hall and dressing-rooms b
the building. Avondale pr
ys easy for a day school to
Miss Tempest, in spite of
of union among her pupi
good of the community. Sh
extbooks were studied, but
e encouraged the girls to
ns, and by the help of vari
ns, and to play an intelli
Nature Study Union, a G
c Circle, and a School M
these societies was in the
Sixth Forms, but in order
of the Upper Fourth was e
was privileged to attend s
of the interests
n exceedingly coveted hon
mouthpiece of the lowe
eader of the rest. It was th
of the reopening day. Six
re voted for by the member
rd and Fou
r this election, none w
othy Greenfield, and as o
few words of description.
girl, and though at pres
he had several good points
dark grey eyes, with their
escript nose. She lacked
despite her rather thin che
er mouth was neat and fir
y, fluffy brown hair that
nd hanging over her ears.
Jack's beanstalk, and she
volved a certain angulari
y fits and starts; she for
as amiable or irritable a
erself most attractive, co
her. She had a favourable
marked "excellent" in he
tennis, had played a piano
the Arts and Crafts Exhi
the Schoo
ll-round record, therefo
f success as anybody else
er hopes run high. The ballo
ime for canvassing; but sh
ces would allow. She wa
r, she strolled into the
dy some papers were pinned
ious ca
Barnett, the h
r friends to support her
olicits the favo
es upon the kindness
vie Morris. "Aren't you g
hers are getting up their a
n the list o
n't," replied Dorothy. "I
han Noëlle
ut there! it can't be helpe
d bear it. Is this you
aper from Dorothy's hand,
t the schoo
l look in m
oast and br
blowing my
u think in m
e suited t
I, but fon
I can ru
part, as w
all your wan
speech at
all schola
ts of the L
leader I
vote, please
verses you
for the Lower
?" asked Dorothy. "I mad
my knee under the desk.
le's, and I thought perha
ng ad
ommented Mavie, "
e must state one's qualific
Val's notice-she calls he
iously. I don't believe s
last season. One needs mo
t as well a
t's why I tr
t stuff poetry. Half o
een Dorothy's dark eyeb
erary b
ers. Everybody isn't so vi
it up here or
but I warn you, Dorothy, I
e i
y n
but it's cheeky. I'm afraid
ou'll tear it up and jus
eld' in
s advice was not at pres
e much preferred her ow
he answered loftily. "It ca
if you're going round can
it to listen. She was
c effort; and having mani
s on the notice board, she
mined to use every means
d to be to go round per
rls now," she thought, "an
when they come back in th
the Third and Fourth! It
l. Why, I never asked Mav
he detests Val, and she's n
there's Grace. Had I bett
that as she had left Ma
em a little beneath her di
t into the playground in
first in the field, by a
s were hard at work coaxi
arnshaw and Noëlle Ke
ticular favourites. Hope La
mber of small girls
r?" thought Dorothy. "Tho
bother with them. She's ac
and taken Nell Boughton o
suppose she's letting Bla
oo much occupied with h
neighbours' movements. T
r was no mean task, and tim
sion she possessed, and fl
e quarters; but very few
of them, especially thos
the importance of owning
wer to w
rd what you all six have t
ingly. "I shan't make up
ose between you," added E
n of
offensive, and in any o
snub. As it was, she poc
remember her. She heard
back and shake them; bu
this sort of thing if
l the same, it's sickening
iots lik
found all the possible
ommon Room. Mavie had go
board talking, and reading
ed up to see how her verse
n on different minds, to j
!" exclaimed
e show, does she?" s
lovely!" gushe
rtainly!" giggled Phyllis
e you wer
u, Dorothy," said Bertha,
ce is on Val's side. If yo
. You'd better not waste a
t's best to get first
and hurried off to the
some of her own classmat
bugs", and were almost s
ess to listen to her, wh
from some
ie Gray, talking with dif
l's been round, and
sus lacrosse contest, and
urmured El
ly ripping
" exclaimed Dorothy scornf
eppermint 'humbugs'? I ca
give yo
hat and bolted out into
s James didn't catch h
d to everybody," added H
cheeks put on a colour.
ominably mean!" she bur
didn't think Val was capab
l how unfair it is
the same if you'd liked,
preference for cara
d Dorothy. "Surely you ou
ugs' or caramels? Such a
at th
s for us," giggle
e you don't care wheth
if she's
bsolutely disgusted! If yo
rden, you don't deserve
, Dorothy!" c
t I think of you: you're a
k of public spirit, and if t
se lin
nterrupted by the dinner b
the offending peppermints,
empty chairs. She followed
ad been foolish and most
e words had rushed out be
d for me in any case," s
r all, they're only a minor
a draw, and that no one wi