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Eight Cousins

Chapter 2 The Clan

Word Count: 2678    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

d screwed up her courage. Then she crept softlydown the hall and peeped into the parlor. No one appeared, and allwas so still she felt sure the c

e, and all smiling, nodding, andsaying as with one voice, "How are you, cousin?"Rose gave a little gasp, a

the Clan come to welcome you; andI'm the chief, Archie, at your service."He held out his hand as he spoke, and Rose timi

m, called Worm for short. This sweetcreature is Steve the Dandy. Look at his gloves and top-knot, if youplease. They are Aunt Jane's lads, and a precious pair you'd betterbelieve. These are the Brats, my brothers, Geordie and Will, andJamie the Baby. Now, my men, step out and show your mann

ppeared to be pervaded with boys. Rosehastily retired to the shelter of a big chair an

lad paused beside her chair in his wanderings, made a briefremark, receiv

stumbled over a stool, andasked abruptly"Did you bring any books with you?""Four boxes full. They are in the library."Mac vanished from the room, and Steve, striking an attitude whichdisplayed his costume effectively

e room, saying in a free andeasy tone"Mamma sent her love and hopes you will be well enough to comeover for a day next week. It must be desperately dull here for al

ed it." And Charliewent off with a laugh, gla

r olders, and, fixing their round blue eyes on Rose, fired off aq

movement, abruptly marchedaway, and little Jamie demanded with childish frankness"Did you bring me anything nice?""Yes, lots of

, and in her confusion she said hastily to the young usurper"Did you see the

general shout made her pause suddenly, asArchie explained the joke by saying in the middle of his laugh"It was our new dog-cart and the Shetland ponies. You'll

wwhat was happening, she was borne away to the barn andtumultuo

Auntie might not like it," there was a general cry of"She told us to amuse you, and we can do it ever so much betterout here than poking

ge blanket, and afourth threw open the door of the old barouche that stood there,saying with a flourish"Step in, ma'am, and make yourself comfortable while we showyou some fun."So Ros

he Prince, coming up all flushedand

ing was not half so pretty as this. What clever boys you mustbe!" sai

, and that is only the

here or we'd'Sing for you,

, looking much ela

eemed to care about Scotland, except to have me sing the oldballads," sa

we remembered that our grandfather was aScotchman. So we hunted up the old stories, g

we are a pretty canny set."Archie said this from the other coach-step, where he had p

give you thebroadsword combat some day. It's a g

e makes 'em skirllike a good one," cried Will from

w to dressright, and pick out rousing bits for us to speak an

mie, who satbeside her as if bound to keep her in

t, andthe traitors when we want to cut any heads off.""They are very obliging, I'm sure," said Rose, whereat the "utilitymen

Prince, swinging himself up toa beam w

restswarmed in every direction as if bent on breaking thei

ing-school, and she watched the active lads with breathlessinterest, thi

us order, which was so promptly obeyed that, before Rosecould get out of the carriage, the boys had caught hold of the poleand rattled her out of the barn, round the oval and up to the frontdoor with a cheer that brought two caps to an upper window, andcaused Debby to cry aloud from the back porc

u'll let us stay, auntie," clamoured the boys,who not only approved of "our cousin" but had

made tidy, and then we will see what we can find forsupper," said the old lady a

will like 'em.""She'd rather have tarts, I know."When Rose came down, fifteen minutes later, with every curlsmoothed and her most beruffled apron on, she foun

s were darker than others, some of the cheeksbrown instead of rosy, and the ages

all werehearty, happy-looking lads, and Rose decided that

histling"Bonnie Dundee"; Mac was reading in a corner, with his bookclose to his near-sighted eyes; Dandy was arranging his hair beforethe oval glass in the hat-stand; Geordie and Will i

restalled his demand by droppinga h

ove was awinsome sight with her shy, soft eyes, bright hair, and laughingface. The black frock reminded them of her

as you please," cried Ste

a is ready," added th

m with great dignity,an honour that made Rose turn

rest with dark hints of some interestingevent which was about to occur. Something unc

er see it?"

answered Archie, thereby causing the two mentionedto neglect Debby's de

t?" asked Will, with his

l she have it?" demanded Geordie,

ing about?" cried the old ladyfrom behind the tall urn, w

e know?" asked a

r she is desperately fond ofit.""What colo

.""Is it good to

uldn't like to try it," answeredCh

t belong to?"

e eye that madeCharlie explode again"To Grandfather Campbell."This was a poser, and they gave up the puzzle, though

nging "All the blue bonnets areover th

s?" asked Aunt Plenty, asthe last pony fri

up her hands in despair and trot awayto tell sister Peace that she never should understand

edherself up in the sofa corner to rest and think about the gre

My littleRose"; to answer, "Yes, papa"; and then to feel him take her in hisarms and kiss her tenderly. So sweet, so real was the dream, thatshe started up with a cry of joy to find hers

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