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Heart chase

Chapter 5 Tangled 2

Word Count: 436    |    Released on: 06/07/2023

started flying around,they waved and smiled here and there. After placing their orders thei

r and got up to leave. Carly flared in anger, how dare he do that without her permission I will teach him a big lesson. "hey mister" she called after him drawing attention to herself.he paused midway and turned to her "what do you want?"he inquired to see her eyes slightl

left the eatery, how will he ex

on his sunglasses before anyone will recognize him. for years he has been searching for this lady to get even with her for what she did to his brother

am sorry for....."her words trailed off as she recognized him immediately. She could feel her heart beating fast 'it was him he

also got a shock when she saw him."oh wow we meet again" Racheal said which s

was this one of her trick to escap

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