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Love Addict (Compilation)

Chapter 5 BDSM Slave

Word Count: 901    |    Released on: 27/06/2023

or without moving my head to check whether I had left it outside, but I couldn't because he grasped my chin and lifted it to meet our gaze. When I saw his mul

heek. I could feel his hot breath crushing to my face. My eyes were merely monitoring his every motion because the powe

his garments crumpled, and there's where I found support. My eyelids are sluggish, and I bite my bottom lip, which appears to rip from the force of my bit

s he drew me away from his body and turned my back on him. He compelled me to walk outside by putting

ce my hand was behind me and was caught in his hold. We stopped where I had left them. But when he picked u

I did, but I dashed back to his office to put those on. The office light came back on as I was putting on my panties; I'm not sure

rning. Because of what he said, I sped up my movement even more, and when I

ifically d

h I thought had calmed down. I felt obliged to kneel down and touch it. I placed it in my mouth as he was keeping my head down. When

the effect would go away, still not," he spoke as he pulled my arm up to stand. When we got up, we went b

taped my lips shut. He took my hand from the back of his chair and I'm not sure how he tied i

g. The next thing he tied was my legs, which he attached to my ankle, causing my legs to wi

f I was clothed. I just ignored him as he walked since I couldn't breathe when he tied me because it

couldn't look at the knife he was holding, which he used to rip my blouse. Tears welled up in the corner

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