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Peck's Bad Boy with the Circus

Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 2061    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

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Circus Parade W

y Elephant Lands

the Acquaintance

imals naturally have a language of their own, and lions understand each other, and bears can converse with

d cow. She humped herself, and shivered, and then bellowed like a calf who has been left in the barn to be weaned, while its mother goes out to pasture, and the sacred bull, her husband, he came and put his nose up to her nose, as much as to say: "What is the matter, dearie?" and she talked sacred cattle talk to him for a minute, and then the bull turned t

rforming in the ring, they all have an eye on pa, so everybody notices it. I knew something would happen to pa, so when the man who plays the sheik, and rides the elephant in the street parade, in a howdah, with a canopy

he other elephants, as much as to say: "Watch my smoke." As he went out from the lot, on the way downtown, ahead of t

. We got to the edge of town and stopped to let the rear wagons close up, and were in front of a saloon, where the bartender had been empty

gone. I looked down from the pagoda and told pa the elephant was drinking again, and had drank a washtub of beer, but pa c

rade one man on a horse attends to the elephants, so the sheiks don't have anything to say, and pa remained like a statue, and told me and the Circassian beauties to be calm, and trust in him and Allah. This Allah business was all right when the

As we got to some sort of a public square, where there were thousands of people, the stale beer seemed to be getting in its work, for the elephant looked at the people, as much as to say: "Now I will show you something not down on the bills," and, by ginger, if he didn't raise up his hind quarters and stand on his front feet, right by the side of a big fountain, and he

d each other, and can appreciate a joke, every animal that passed us gave us the laugh, even the hippopotamus, which

phant, which kept ducking him with his trunk, and swabbing out the bottom of the fountain basin with pa. It seemed as though he never would get through using pa for a mop, but finally the people got a rope around pa, and a keeper got an iron hook in the elephant's ear, and they pulled pa out on one side, and got the elephant

ant Kept

ut the Bottom

o convince the policemen that we were not guilty of disorderly conduct, and just then the elephant came tearing by us, with the keeper on horseback behin

ternoon performance. As we passed through the menagerie tent, dripping, every animal set up a yell, as much as to say: "There

"Johnny on the spot," as the boys say, and if anything breaks he volunteers to go to work and fix it, and if anybody is sick or disabled

oxing act with this show, years ago, and everybody likes John, and when he shows up where the show gives a performance he

where, all the forenoon, and met all the old timers,

me in from the menagerie tent, and he didn't know Sullivan, and when he saw Sullivan holding the pole up, pa sa

as lion, started for Sullivan, and the boss winked at the other circus men, and pa went u

hen he took pa around the waist and held him up under his arm, and picked up a piece of board and slatted pa just as

. Slat

ough He Wa

by the collar and whirled him around until pa was dizzy, and then he started with him for the menagerie tent, and calle

d for awhile, pa went up to Sullivan and shook his hand, and said: "Mr. Sullivan, you must excuse me. If I had known you were the great John L., I would not have licked you." Sullivan looked at pa and said: "Well,

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