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Broken Luna (The moment)

Chapter 2 Queen Bee

Word Count: 977    |    Released on: 03/07/2023


me with a puzzled

er and we high-fived each other, and you pretty much know how much of a troublemaker Skylar is.

n we'd just stand here and

the hell out of here. The first


ur first class — Public Journalism. I had an inkling that Skylar would never let us off so easily, an

artbreaker and her b

ing to do with your tantrums. We know

ing by. ”And you don't? If so, why then did you break up with Jack? That too publicly? If

est. “Since when did you care so much about Jack? And what exactly is your bus

rolled her eyes. “If you really wanted to make you and Jack's issue private, you shouldn't have rejected his pro

g, and I was losing my patience. Cocking my head to the side, I exhaled, and asked. “You done? T

kylar was faster, twisting away just in time, and causing Annie to tumble down to the ground. Skylar pulled my bag away and

taking my hand, and rising up. Her knee had rammed th

ain, but I'

chool nurse?” I sugges

l be fine. That'

corners of my eyes, I caught Annie tightening her fist, her face taut wi


time someone put her

self. She's n

t me so bad, I wish I was already dead,” she laughed. “You two can't do more than

ylar's forehead. The queen bee stumbled backwards in shock, her left palm flyi


as everyone waited with bated breath for her to explode. For her to do something. But tyrants like Skylar never lifte

aking like leaves. Jeanette Jenkins, Eleanor Ravey, and Britney McPherson. “Are yo

rvene, everyone moved back, to give us enough space to fight. Annie grabbed

rushed to help her, but Skylar signalled Jeannette and

d the tears came falling hard. This was all my fault. Ann

her eyes as she edged closer, her right hand raised in the air. I closed my eyes, waiting for her to strike me.

fire. Five minutes passed by, yet I hadn't felt anythin

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