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She's the boss

Chapter 5 Am so grateful 🥹

Word Count: 1545    |    Released on: 19/06/2023


ry ma'am" " Here, take the car keys and drive please" He stared at me for awhile before nodding and collected the keys from my hand while I entered into the passenger side. I am sure he can drive. The engine roared to live as we drove in a very uncomfortable silent. Gosh! I feel like I am suffocating. He was so focused on the road but I just couldn't help but steal glances at him. If he's a food, I rather be termed stingy than giving him out . I so much live his stature ! I don't know how but our eyes met and I hastily looked away embarrassingly. .......... " From the test we've conducted so far, you were injected with AF2 which happened to be drug for sex drive, it's dangerous and I am sorry to say that the researchers haven't found the cure to it " Doctor Carl said and my heart sank! Injected with AF2? How? When? By who? Who did this to me? Who have I offended that couldn't tell me but destroyed my life this way? " But something can be done about it right?" Damien asked . For now, I will prescribe a drug that you have take to reduce the occurrence, the AF2 has long stayed in your body and so it increased to the final stage where the cure is difficult to be done " " It could have been better if you didn't take Dixon in the process of curing it, that worsened it and I am afraid it might cause a lot to your body system" Does that mean I will live with this forever? No cure? Is it this serious? Who did this to me? I didn't realise I was crying till a tear dropped on my hand. How do I survive with being a s*x addict all my life? I am ruined already! If this gets to the media then my reoutation is gone forever. I can't remember offending anyone. I might be rude but it has minimum. " Ma'am?" Damien called! I can't hide the pain anymore. The tears couldn't stop because my eye bags was full. It has held enough of tears I have to let out. " but there's Hope for her rught Carl?" Damien asked. Is he really asking to make me feel better? The doctor said there's no cure. And the drugs Hilda normally brings for me added it it. My system is damaging because of the drug? I wouldn't blame her, her for it, she was just trying to help. She's really tried for me as a friend and I am glad I have some one like her beside me . " she can he cured but it will take a long time "...... * * 💐 Damien 💐 Goodness! I need to visit Mum and Josephine today! It's been two weeks since I came in here and two weeks since we last visited Carl. Brittany has been doing pretty well with the help.of the drugs. She h

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