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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1121    |    Released on: 19/06/2023

had served him at the party… and he knew that because he'd noticed her - more than he cared to admit. There had been a

ook like the kind of woman capable of any kind of elaborate or evil plan. The expression on her face

urge to run out of the room. His eyes roamed again to her breasts as they heav

fly, clenching his fists together. "And

y I could think of to see you… and I know how inappropriate it is…. I just… I'm sorry…

something about her that made him want to listen to this lady and know what she felt was so i

nd shooting daggers at her with her eyes and prayed that sh

can get to the bottom of this?" he questioned quietly. "You

would be pissed if this happened to her, but in her haste to come up with a plan to see Scott McCall, she

m too. Oh, this was just terrible, she thought and it was all her fault. She had made a fool of hersel

y. "I'm really sorry. This isn't how it was supposed to…

he glared at her. "The hell you can…" he growled at her. "You are not

even more. "You are such an asshole, Sco

awkward silence in the room as neither Scott nor Vivian spoke, bu

logize again. "I'm…

h that, 'I'm sorry' shit because I won't fall for it. Do you think you can just come into my hotel room and demand to see me when I have no idea who you are

, but she'd been too selfish to think about how he'd feel and completely concerned about getting what she wanted no matter how she got it. She supposed she deserved whatever he said to her and she had no choice other than to stan

oing to tell who you are now?" he demanded

nyone. I just had to see you and I didn't know when you'd be leaving tomorrow. I just felt like

e she could see on his face? She wondered what was funny ab

t," he said

er head." You

party…. Probably saw the way I looked at you and figured you could sneak into my room, have a one

really talking about and when she did, she gasped.

t all," she said, her voice shaking with e

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