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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1785    |    Released on: 15/06/2023


wasn't loud enough. He'd lost a lot of bloo

ghs and he groaned, blood spilling

disappointment. He looked like he wa

eyes widened as he took in my handiwork. I love

hurt" Lucas grima

, blood sipping out of every cut and incision. "He wouldn't stay still, so now I have to start all over, on a neat canvas. His back i

ugged. He cleared his throat and I knew he'd done

dead," he reported with a glint in his eyes t

th. You bashed their

dn't resist. Besides, we were going to kill them all

, and picked up a scalpel. I admired the sharp edges

room gave me such a rush

ds, where it will be easy to dispose

not know why you're so obsessed with getting rid of our enemies at that particular spot anyway. The place stinks, and it's not befitting... " Luca

to wipe at the blood that escaped

ched. "And the men who had a hand in her death, or anyone at all who dares to come after me and my brother will all be offered as tribu

o the man that was still making little pained whimpers as his beady eyes mov

you are right. I wouldn't want to offer a dead man to our dear mother as tribute now would I," I said

rried through the hallway. He was so easily s

m. They do not look surprised to see me covere

er more territories than he'd ever dreamed of conquering, and every man I c

she'd sent her favorite son somewhere fa

the enemies - all because of her alleged infid

which was a pathetic thing t

rred drawing beautiful patterns on their skin, making cuts, and watching the blood that dripped down their veins make beaut

ould dream of being, so he should have known that th

them, especially after they saw me throw the head of their

was no question that I would be his successor once he was g

e pure angel who wasn't tainted by Father's darkness. I was the devil who enjoyed taking the lives of other people

y like the old man even without p

s in a bad mood, and he didn't find any other alternative. So for Father to sel

t get there fast enough. She was already dead and burning when I got there. In my anger, I killed all the m

next in command. My dagger had slit his forehead open, and as blood gushed into his eyes, he'

o my mouth and pushed t

n dark foreb

e chair - it used to be Father's. I pulled out a ci

up much of a fight

ff anymore. I craved something. I needed something more. I neede

where she was from. I'd had a mind to look for her back then, but she was of no importan

anvas it was meant to be, carving the most intricate design into h

and limited... I guess I'l

ame in. He shoved the blue-eyed girl that was behind

e in a bad mood, so I brought you a pretty present. Just like you

my eyes raking ove

her hands trembling on the floor, but her eyes were

to do sir," she asked, h

y got wiped off. I watched as the fear crept into her eyes. That w

sychotic bastard. Mother chooses to love the wrong son.

d instead, and the girl stare

e's totally down for whatever it is you want to do

I'll do anything you ask of me…

and Lucas. "I will not repeat myself. I am not in the

ood when you come down," he pleaded, pulled the girl to h

reaking betrayers didn't take the edge o

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