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The Tribute King

Chapter 3 Arrival at Sessalgnus

Word Count: 5943    |    Released on: 19/06/2023

age, not with child at the time they are chosen,


s long as the annual mandated tithes of food and goods that was the Tribute were honored. And once every two hundred years came the Right of Flesh, where men and women of the tribes, usually nonviolent prisoners or those in desperate circumstances, were brought to Sessalgnus to be given to the N

ion, giving it the look of an open-ended adjustable bracelet. But from the look of the activity upon the surrounding bluffs, it was plain to see that Sessalgnus was much more than some gaping sinkhole in the middle of nowhere. Massive copper pipes fed down the bluffs' edges, leading into the depths of the pit, siphoning water from the subterranean lake far below. Atop the bluffs sat collections of buildings and large cylindrical structures of stone and ceramics that housed the ma

oran began to realize the thing that had been bothering him since the c

who stood beside him, as transfixed

turned, staring bla

dropped by several factors. "This is Sessalgnus, right? The entrance to

that?" Lazlo asked,

verse joy out of mak

uld have learned that the last Naga seen outside the Gray Land

ed towards the pipes, which, he noticed, upon their ap

ers have to go down into the pit and run inspections on the machines b

nd himself and Lazlo. Most of the Tributes had fallen to their knees, t

ho gave a cursory glance about the assemb

e sun and moons, your Highness. Also

d, he had never given the old faith much regard. And as far as he was concerned, if there were any gods at all, at least one of them was partly to blame for bringing him to this situation. Sure

re their crimes brought them here," the Prince muttered

none of them has ever seen a Naga." Lazlo sighed and s

aw," Voran said with a very real disgust that he sup

rected. "Also, the Tribute has kept the peace between us for generations. It

e to wait for a proper coronation?" Voran said dryly. "Lazlo, your

had happened there, it was followed by gongs from each successive hovercraft in the caravan, all the way down to the tenth and final one, a quarter mile away. Immediately, the hovercraft slowed

said. "We'll need

id, and quickly grasped the wrist of a nearby youth with curly brown ha

look of spiteful disdain that it stunned him. The boy jerked his arm free

nice, Your Highness," Laz

e?" Voran asked, paus

gold to help you

nd what

m. They don't put much value on gold, except perhaps as body ornaments."He snorted out a chuckle that he had been

utterly flat, almost monotone, as once again,

rpetual bad mood. But this time, Voran found that in spite of how foolish he now felt, he could not muster any anger towards his friend. As he and Lazlo followed the rest of the Tribu

line composed of Tributes, of which Prince Voran and Lazlo were part, and another line of large pack animals from the hovercrafts' cargo holds, lad

noisy load. Rows of wicker baskets hung from the netting secured about its tan-colored, h

Tribute," Lazlo said. "Foo

makes such a damned

"The Naga usually breed them in the Gray Lands, but I'm told that when times

he Prince had turned a slig

," Lazlo said. Rather than amusement at the Prince's sickly pallor, his express

fight down his sudden wave of

n a voice that was much more subdued

rince replied. "I doubt I'l

three service elevators, and they take only about ten people each run. And they each take ab

Will we all just sit around here in this heat? Or maybe freeze

d need to contact us directly. They never did. It is rather large, and should fit all of us easily; I'm sure of it. They have been expecting us for a while now, and so I a

ught that's been vexing me fo

ch i

l, "You see, if I'm expected to give children to

reply to the Prince with some dignity. "Ah, I was...well, h

n't practical?" Voran a

this somewhere more discreet, Your Highness? It wouldn't be go

as the Prince w

have a

?" Lazlo said. "Greetings, protocol, what to say to the

ed at the withering look Lazlo gave him. "But of

te house and go through processing with the ubiquitous soldiers. At one point, Lazlo noticed Voran's curiosity driving him away from his t

xplained. "Their portion of material Tribute will be unloaded and b

to have fallen into slight disrepair on the outside with its stone façade crumbling in places; but once inside, he saw that the interior was much better attended to. The vast antechamber was bare, but hinted at past opulence, with doorways framed by hard-to-acquire

ainly never seen before, and, in spite of his emotions, piqued his curiosity. There was little more in the way of furnishings than makeshift fire pit and massive communal stewpot at the antechamber's center, as well as seating cushions spre

breakfast, which composed of little more than hardtack, jerky and weak tea, and it was past midday. He waited for his friend to return, taking in the sight before him. The thousand Tributes, mostly former convicts–each wearing styles of dress from thei

huddled alone in distant corners, ignoring their meals and either despairing or praying. Others, however, seemed to have accepted their fates or were simply volunteers from the destitute, and displayed a much more positive disposition than Voran had expected. These sought company with others wh

the courage to read it further. Making certain that no eyes were upon him, he unwadded the parchment and glanced over the words inside, half de

ce of Fire Mountain, with anticipati

provided marriage will be a benefit to us both. It will be strange and even somewhat frightening to be in a place that you are

ing down the renewed burn of fury that arose in his gorge. Such condescension to think that he, the Crown Prin

s food before we're sent on our way," Lazlo said upon his return. In

ng the corners, you'd think they were almost happy with their fate. No man is leering after any women, an

unfit. In addition, the sentence of Tribute is only doled out to nonviolent offenders. As for the lack of any untoward behavior between the

oran asked. "What if there was a fight or a woman wa

dby just in case." Lazlo dipped his bread into the stew and then bit off the piece. He coughed once and muttered, "spicy," before eating more, albeit slowly. Voran followed suit

g the trip here," Voran said, pausing in his meal as the thought came to him. "Wh

ctified," Lazlo said, "bu


rt of the change, if I am not mistaken. If she somehow becomes pregnant during the trip to Sessalgnus, Naga bodies produce something that...well, ends the pregnancy. Female Tributes who are with child will miscarry afte

is bowl and bread. "Why didn't you

s. You won't have to worry about not being able to sire an heir when

ghtly nauseous as he calmed down,

se, though," he said,

t do

r Tribute all the time, and raise them separately," V

said that Naga used to kidnap humans for mates. We believe that this was part of the reason why the blood feuds

id. "I don't relish the thought of losing my virility with other human

"I'm afraid not,

ike the power of choice just keep

ht consisted of the Naga language, and Voran found himself catching on with relative ease, as it was markedly similar to the a

t considerably since their arrival, with soldiers coming in like clockwork every twenty-five minutes to round up another group of thirty to bring to the elevators. Some went quietly; othe

t occasional visitors. Kings of the past have commissioned a few scholars to go to the Gray Lands and learn all they can about the Naga. So, th

a don't mind

. However, I imagine that the sight of a human in their lands is most certainly a surprise whene

to take them as they tak

didn't take the

"You mean the scholars actually took

ers, your Highness. In fact, according to the w

level of scorn that made it seem as if Lazlo

h just the vaguest of grins. "Besides, if I'm not mistaken, yo

" Voran quickly countered, but h

u think such information came

le for science..." Voran muttered

e practical knowledge." He gave a nervous sort of chuckle. "Mating habits don't change much in a thousand years, even among Naga.

ot yet having gone beyond the shield-like walls of the surrounding bluffs. The fact that this would be his last sunset in three years was becoming ever more a reality. It was odd, actually. In the desert lands, sunlight was ubiquitous, often annoying with its oppressive

like?" He asked, breaki

we're used to," Lazlo an

stured to the paintings upon the walls

o said, redirecting his attention to the walls a

ng away in fright and hiding themselves, for all the good that would do. They settled down as the approaching soldier passed them by; instead

ss," he said

grabbing his satchel. The Prince, who had been forced to carry his own, reached

he "they" that he meant. Then he turned towards Lazlo, meeting his gaze with a disapproving frown. "

into his princely sternness, he took note of the rank tattoo on the soldier's neck. "If I choose to carry my own thi

the soldier said. "They do

emblage of Tributes. Another soldier was hoisting one, a thin-framed woman, over his shoulders

soldier replied. "They're very specific and very stern. And no

d years," Lazlo said. "I doubt you'll have muc

soldier asked, not the least bit h

from behind as they made their descent. It was darker than they had expected, even with the faint light at the tunnel's far end, and both Prince and servant had

I think it is fair to warn you that the Gray Lands are much cooler than what you are used to. You two

bag," Lazlo said, "one for

be prepared," the

helps to be prepared," L

the bottom of the stairwell, and Voran could see

," the Prin

nest," the soldier

n's tunic and raised goose bumps on his exposed skin. He noticed that the soldier who carried the weeping Tribute woman had entered the car on the far right and propped her up against one of its corners. She slumped to the floor of the car and remained there, unmoving and steadily weeping as the soldier made his exit, eyeing her cautiously for a mome

Lazlo. He then gestured towards the car's far corner. "It will get rather crowded i

oming with us

the bottom, just follow the lanterns. And don't stray off the path. There's a lot of fast-moving, ve

e corridor as other soldiers completed their descent, bringing with the

donned a cloak that matched the gray of his robes. He held

said with a genuine smile as he threw th

ort of grin that took the Prince by surprise. S

, and by the time it reached its capacity of ten, Voran found

said. "Barely enough r

our bad jokes,

hade of blue, and the sun was nowhere to be found. The coldness of melancholy spread over him in count

he roar of machines started, its noise echoing loudly throughout the sinkhole as the ca

y blackness beyond would swallow him. Everyone in the car was utterly silent, and he glanced around to see faces that ranged from passive to nervous, to terrified. There was no sound, save the engines and the squeaking of

" Voran heard Lazlo suddenly whisper. He turned to see h

other Tribute next to them said in a louder voice. He was fo

ecame fainter as their descent continued, and his prayer continued with the same call and response. It was sad and desperate entreaty to

hree years, and the thought of the fate that awaited, enveloped him, and he found that voicing his despair to the only beings who would fully understand was all that he could do. And for the first time since his

lords of the sun,

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