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Pregnant For The Popular Billionaire

Chapter 4 Lost mom

Word Count: 1040    |    Released on: 13/06/2023

s bad for me. Ever since I overhead his discussion, it had my thoughts flying in so many directions. I didn't come all this way to lose him to that thing, if it was a lady of bett

tay here alone was infuriating me the more. She didn't stop but rather coughed the more, here I was thinking earlier on that it was going to be hard to kill her while the universe was in my favor. "Let me get you water" I said sadistically but she was in a coughing fit to notice. I walked towards the direction she had pointed out for me. This was all for a greater good, Mrs. Banks needs to go to rest and I was going to help her. My reflection on the shining knife smiled back at me. **Natasha's POV** I knew that fate definitely had good plans for me because I got the job. There was nothing much again maybe all this had happened for a reason. My heart stirred in pain making me frown, what was happening?. For some weird reasons I felt something bad was going to happen as it was going to happen now. "Are you even listening to me?" Sandy asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry, I was just lost in thoughts" I apologized immediately. She sighed and opened her mouth to say something before shutting it, "you look troubled, go home we'll talk later". "I owe you ". "Yes you do but only the living can speak" she said softly. I smiled at her and hugged her muttering thanks. Having a friend was good but a friend that understands you even before you speak was a blessing. I said my goodbye before flagging down a cab. My heart thumped so weirdly against my chest as he drove home, something was definitely wrong and I knew it but what? I tried calling mom's line but then it kept on going to voicemail making me more worried. As we approached the house I could hear sirens making my heart thumb and I perked outsid

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