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Lucifer's Calling

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1061    |    Released on: 12/06/2023

he saw me for the first time;

d horrified he placed his hands on m

k at him with confusion, not sure what he

is hands, and I stood the

also who are you?" I said embar

mber me?!" He said loud e

r my breath, that name did

Mud-Haven. Our home has been infected with some kind of...

che, how dare she tell this old man

w do you possibly know me?" I aske

er since we were three. Our town wasn't very big s

y, you look so much like someone I used to know. My name is Merlin, I've

plete darkness. The air became thick and icy and the chill went up

a large vibration made everything shake. It almost made me jump

-year nap," Merlin said calmly as he lit up the cave again. Once we wer

m very much intrigued by this large wing

I asked walking ar

on his mood really,

n his mood

a mood?" I que

sn't mean he doesn't have feelings

f as he settled at the back of

huge, I've never seen on

man isn't some kind of wizard or something, or if i

eave, no one forced you here and no one is f

e then started laughing lo

you say you were from again? Mud-haven? I never heard of the pla

ust never had the need to leave the sa

d run into a wizard, would you run away? would you scream, what exactly would you do exact

id a word they all just looked at each ot

is head as he loo

ally works, and it's not full of sunshine and r

nbows, we are just looking for somewhere safe to liv

hem for a moment,

eak with you follo

d shrugged and followed hi

man got that kind of title." Merlin disclaimed his eyes look like he seen many awfu

othing I can remember, right now If anything I'm only here be

th you. The reason I wanted to speak with you is to give you

can listen," I let out

at on the ground a

is nephew; Mordred in power over our land Camelot, so he could go to war. But Mordred

and it ended in his death. Arthur was my best

had to run a few errands and had come here to speak with Balinor her

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