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The Lycan's King Breeder

Chapter 51 Why do he lie

Word Count: 1117    |    Released on: 24/06/2023


is holding Felicity, your breeder who ran away disobeying you. Felicity will be delivered in a shi

tical. "Ho

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1 Chapter 1 Sold as the Lycan king Breeder2 Chapter 2 Trapped With The Cruel Lycan King.3 Chapter 3 The weight of a secret4 Chapter 4 The pression to produce an heir.5 Chapter 5 The hunt Begins6 Chapter 6 New friends.7 Chapter 7 Ava8 Chapter 8 Find her9 Chapter 9 Welcome10 Chapter 10 I'll find her11 Chapter 11 Bandits.12 Chapter 12 Find her now!13 Chapter 13 Worried.14 Chapter 14 The nightmare15 Chapter 15 The hunt Begins16 Chapter 16 The tension.17 Chapter 17 The protest.18 Chapter 18 Elias19 Chapter 19 Heartbreaking Goodbyes.20 Chapter 20 Alpha's Grimmjaw prisoner.21 Chapter 21 Abuse22 Chapter 22 I'm paranoid.23 Chapter 23 His slave24 Chapter 24 Run away25 Chapter 25 I've found her.26 Chapter 26 Humiliation27 Chapter 27 He wants to kill my unborn child.28 Chapter 28 Alpha Zarek29 Chapter 29 The end of the escape 30 Chapter 30 Fruitless search31 Chapter 31 Another alpha.32 Chapter 32 I'm loosing water.33 Chapter 33 Difficult childbirth34 Chapter 34 Justice for Ava35 Chapter 35 I've 36 Chapter 36 Selena37 Chapter 37 Peter my savior38 Chapter 38 My baby is missing.39 Chapter 39 What are they doing here 40 Chapter 40 Clash between Alphas41 Chapter 41 The internal voice.42 Chapter 42 I've lost her.43 Chapter 43 Felicity!!!44 Chapter 44 He caught me45 Chapter 45 Trouble maker.46 Chapter 46 Revelations47 Chapter 47 My baby is convulsing.48 Chapter 48 At the HQ.49 Chapter 49 Kill aplha Malachi.50 Chapter 50 They'll pay this.51 Chapter 51 Why do he lie 52 Chapter 52 I've a brother 53 Chapter 53 I love him.54 Chapter 54 I just want happiness and love.55 Chapter 55 On the way!56 Chapter 56 Alpha Zarek's castle.57 Chapter 57 Unexpected meeting. 58 Chapter 58 Our eyes locked.59 Chapter 59 Maximus !60 Chapter 60 Escape.61 Chapter 61 An explosion.62 Chapter 62 I want her ! 63 Chapter 63 My baby ... He'll die !64 Chapter 64 Attacked.65 Chapter 65 What's it 66 Chapter 66 A difficult decision.67 Chapter 67 Nooooo!68 Chapter 68 Maximus is died.69 Chapter 69 He's 70 Chapter 70 Surprised.71 Chapter 71 No matter what happens.72 Chapter 72 What the hell 73 Chapter 73 I love you.74 Chapter 74 Savage and wild night.75 Chapter 75 Maximus POV.76 Chapter 76 What! 77 Chapter 77 I can't believe it.78 Chapter 78 Adrian a true friend.79 Chapter 79 Save by Maximus.80 Chapter 80 I'm willing to try.81 Chapter 81 His shocking story.82 Chapter 82 Caught.83 Chapter 83 He'd changed.84 Chapter 84 What's going on 85 Chapter 85 8586 Chapter 86 8687 Chapter 87 8788 Chapter 88 8889 Chapter 89 8990 Chapter 90 9091 Chapter 91 9192 Chapter 92 9293 Chapter 93 9394 Chapter 94 9495 Chapter 95 9596 Chapter 96 9697 Chapter 97 9798 Chapter 98 9899 Chapter 99 99100 Chapter 100 100