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Author: Nina Rose

Chapter 1 MURDER CASE 001

Word Count: 2273    |    Released on: 10/06/2023

East side. The mansions are named according to the colors they are built with and they are quite far from the school main buildings. In the mansion,consists of three suites each for three stude

•• The white mansion is the biggest in ALS and also the only mansion which consists of four suites, this is where Valentino and his three friends stays. The four friends were given the name..GOLDEN BOYS by the students Reed,Virgil and Terence are all playboys just like Valentino. Reed father owns the school so he's like the school prince. In Valentino's suite,on the bed was Valentino in the middle of two naked girls. The loud phone ringing woke Valentino up and he groaned sleepily,the two girls beside him also opened their eyes as Valentino picked up his phone,almost immediately his eyes widened and he jumped down from the bed. "Valentino....." "Get out!! You two!!" He shouted and rushed into the bathroom Minutes later,he returned to the bedroom all dressed up,the b*tches are gone. "F**k Valentino" He groaned and rushed into the dressing room again,he got hold of his robe and rushed out of his suite. He ran downstairs in a hurry "Hey dude" Virgil was the only one in the living room "I'm f**king late" Valentino muttered,walking over to the fridge "What do you expect? f**king two p**ssies all night?" Virgil smirked and Valentino chuckled "Trust me" he said,grabbing a bottle of banana milk from the fridge,ever heard of obsession?? Then Valentino's obsession would be his banana milk "See you later" he said and walked out. He almost walked toward the bike but then changed his mind,he got into the car instead and drove out of the compound. •••• Valentino walked in arrogantly,he was already wearing his robe,one of his hands in his pocket while he have his wig in the second hand. Becky smiled as soon as she saw him,Valentino and Vanessa's eyes met and she glared at him hatefully,Valentino winked at her,walking toward his position "Tucker,any explanation on why you're coming by this time?" The supervisor's voice came up Valentino sat down "Sorry I had a great night" he said "Remember the rule!" Mr Kelly,the most scariest supervisor yelled out "I'm the judge not a lawyer,can we start now?" Valentino rolled his eyes and hit the gavel at once There was total silence in the courtroom after that. "Remember this holds a total of fifty marks in your coming up tests" Mr Kelly said "Yes!!" "You may start" Mr Kelly said The court reporter,Quinn took her position,ready to everything that will be happening. The court coordinator,Toby also got ready with the necessary files Then the court clerk,Erica who will be keeping records of everything. And finally the sergeant-at-arm. After the orderly forms,Becky smiled and got up stylishly, "Your honor,members of the jury,My name is Becky Blue,representing the prosecution in this case" She said and then sat down again Vanessa also got up "Your honor,members of the jury,I'm Vanessa Clark,Representing the defendant in this case" She said and also sat down. "Are you ready for the trials?" Judge Valentino asked "Yes your honor" Becky and Vanessa answered "Opening Statements" Valentino requested and Becky got up. She walked to the front and started. "Your honor,this is murder case,001. On 21st of December 2032,which is last year and about a month ago. The accused right here..." Pointed at the accused and then continued "Murdered an office partner,it was around 9pm,he stabbed the victim until she died. The accused being a criminal,ran from the scene and went home,but God so good,he was caught on camera even though his face was not exposed totally but was known to have worn the same outfit as the murderer that same day." Becky said "Do you have a witness?" Valentino questioned "Of course your honor,Miss Felicia,the receptionist who practically stays late in the office more than anybody else is here your honor,may I bring her forward?" She asked "You may" Valentino said "Miss Felicia?" Becky called and Sasha was brought up and entered into the dock "You may continue,Prosecutor" Valentino said "Miss Felicia,please explain to the whole court just the way you did to me" Becky said and Sasha nodded "On December 21,2032,9pm. I was in my stand but suddenly got the urge to go to visit the restroom. After using the restroom,I started walking back but was disturbed by the noise coming from another side. On getting there,I saw him,Huston stabbing the late Jenet

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