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Obsession with my CEO

Chapter 7 oh, God. Save my dad

Word Count: 1668    |    Released on: 10/06/2023

is struggling with a heart attack. Doctors performing an a

please sa

those words

y I married a loser.” Elizabe

ul. He helped to hospitalize father quickly. Lucy is st

family. Now we wasting mone

gainst my dad. So I need to stop her.

t open your shi

red at me lik

I am paying the hospital fees, not you. So,

ing to drink some coffee

ants to stop a scene in front of the operation theatre. I take a few

. Elizabeth

re to almost an hour just ha

ying those words. Elizabeth gets up

with us”. Lu

coming. You

My mind is inside t

on. Don’t c

aid to

dies touched Each Other. They slowly faded away from my sight. I thought Lucy didn’t leave me alone here. I looked around me. There are people sitting some distance away from me. But still I felt loneliness. My father is battling for li

I touch the photo that I am with Lucas. The photo got enlarged. Me and Lucas looks thrilled in the photo. His one of hands around my shoulder. I can feel his

ismatic guy. I never thought a guy like Lucas ever propose me. Lucas had a beautiful flower in his hand and he just handed the flowers to me. I take the

until I saw the flirtatious message send by Ellie in Lucas’s phone. Lucas is not near me. His phone is in my hand where Lucas is talking with his friend some distance away. I check the previous messages. I get shocked by seeing that my boyfriend is cheating me with my best friend. Ellie betrayed me. I can’t even think of that. I trust Ellie and Lucas with my heart, but they stabbed me from my behind. After the incident, I break up with Lucas and I cut the friendsh

m sitting. The doctor came out from the operation theatre. He is wearing a dress that

, my dad

cabin,” the

happened?. did the operation was failure? I didn’t

ncludes the doctor’s name ‘Dr.Henry’. On his back, I also entered the cabin. H

tor offere

ing face to face now. Doctor drunk the water from the glass, then

r name?” Doc

erson,” I

oth hands on the

tion of your fat

d. I quickly

ther ok?”

ry, your fa

rds just c

med angioplasty to your father. But we can’t put stent in his arter

it a bad th

ry. But be must insert the stent in ar

ion clearly. His words just

ere any other w

a bypass

an do bypass su

ithin a week”. doctor said. A

be ok by doing thi

m the doctor. Because i

octor said with confidence. His confident words just calm my mind. I stand from

ry, it all

ital staff. Elizabeth is sitting in a chair And Paul is standing with Lucy. whe

e came

is dad?”

But he needed

filled wit

tion is a fail

use of diabetes they can’t ins

was saying. She i

st pay the fee of the operat

iled operation. Okay, I kn

y. Are you had your coff

uby,” sh

o see that smil

in front of the reception. After standing in the que

the patient Anderson.” I

the details in the co

after deducting the health insurance, you wa

e of health insurance. I just take my phone and opened the bank app. I definitely know th

e,” I said to t

app's homepage appeared. I just looked at my behind. Some people are waiting behind me.


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