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Beyond The Shadow


Word Count: 976    |    Released on: 30/05/2023



" Savannah said as sh

and cozy, just the way she like it. She immediately b

avannah ran in

e door looking around. Soon enough, a middle aged woma

u're here"

ving!" Connor said,

icken, it's in the

he best!!" Connor said

already devour

or said and sat near her. They

at them. Even though they knew Connor for just

e both resting on their sea

ing chased... I really de

Audrey q

avannah bi

hased by a dog,"


him the "tha

ad?" Savan

to work," A

n on Sundays? That's

sweet, cute, gentle but in the street sh

the president's assistant,

sit to my dad Conn

l let two commoners in the

e now, gotta go..." C

" He pecked Audrey be

k at Connor leavi

eman... Why don't you,,

lled her ey

with dad so I'm going to meet him.. Bye" Sav


had today so she was leaving. She wore he

ont of her, the car window

tany exclai

face mask. She turned to and he immediat

Aidan muttered, rubbing

really hectic day tod

t just stress yoursel

ed. He released her and

the rest of the day

!!" Britta

was silent, with Brittany touching

ow, it's stealing your attention away from

Brittany smirke



ready 5pm. She looked at the huge house i

the size of her house and let's n

nd walked up to the guards a

r the white house" One of the guar

d man... I wanna pass him a message, it's urge

currently in an important me

nah said, sh

r sight. She went to the

ther guard

hen the guard held her by the wa

said and dropped her

person who caught her. She turned to see who

she's ever laid her eyes on. She didn

inding me!!!" Her

" His sweet ange

annah came back

u for two minutes. Ar

ee you,,, I mean yeah... Ye

a nervous person?"

ed and re

k Sir" The g

this lady doing

Mr Rowan Addiso

s assistant

He turned to S

hank you...Sir

th" He smiled

et's go"

ed there was someone stand

stopped in front of her and

e we meet another day" He licked his lips

into space... Still picturin

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