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Destined To Be His Luna


Word Count: 1942    |    Released on: 30/05/2023

went straight into Adira's eyes. She yawned, stretching both he

she had a tug of war in her hair. A little souvenir of t

eeing the luxurious items in the room she was surprised. Adi

gments of the events of the previous night suddenly poured into h

, there was no scar, not even a single scratch on her. Excited, she called out into the room, "Theo

felt like an eternity, she finally got out of the bed, walking out of the thick blanket. It

t happened the previous night, like the short kiss Theodore gave


e blanket from the huge bed and wrapped it around herself

nt, as a beautiful girl with red hair walked in, instead of Theodore. The girl looked

enormous smile up her face. "You're up and standing, it se

d, her disappointment about it not being Theo

he had come into the room wanting to make friends with Adira, but greeted with al

de. I just thought it would be Theodore who would walk through

can see, it

d to talk to him abo

he forest. Apparently, the patrolling unit spotted a set of humans hiking towards the pack's settlement. He w

yes moved down

. I'm his Luna to be after all.." Finally she saw the opportunity to kn

was now disgusted at Adira. "You wouldn't know. Well, a Luna, i

she couldn't even interpret. She'd thought it meant somethin

, and a smirk slowly appeared on hers. "Is

odore, and if they had sex. But haven learnt what a Luna is, she co

ousy, and emotions behind it. "Ohh, well It's nothing.

ou said it was

ent but st

a quickly cut her short. "I'm sorry, not to be rude, but

ile he's away, and to lend you some clothes. I had just left to go

ppened to my

yesterday, they were taken off

took off her clothes because they were wet,

down with her nose slightly wrinkled.

h… I very

r the red dress she had been holding. "Put it on, we are go

proceeded to ask while facing the door, backing Adira; "Theodore said when he found y

that's c

didn't f

do you

st time, and then taken to a pack full of one. You should not b

ress which extended to her knees, perfectly fitted as if it was hers, show

en my own share of crazy things. Yesterday was

t her ties to the vampires. It would mean the end of her stay t

for the examination. I promised Theodore I


three other werewolves were still searching. "I thought you said, the patrol

ooking for me, Aurora of the conclave?" Aurora walked out from the woods in front of them along with Damien,

t the slight smell of corpses that followed them, there was

tand beside Theodore to protect their Alpha, with their hu

he air. "We already saw you coming this way about half a mile away,

u want!" He turned back to her with anger visible in his face. "You are outnumbered, five to

for a girl, one who ran into your terr

at g

dira, blond hai

be searching for Adira? His curiosity skyrocketed. "Adira? It doesn't ring a bell. B

d her eyes. "I never

osity. Briskly he sucked up all the emotions visible on his face and replaced

harade, she knew if anyone had Adira it was him. "Just that I s

he fear in his face. He had lied about his wherea

called Adira, stop your wild accusations. This is werewolf territory, vam

the vampires started walking along with her. "Aurora, are we really ju

s on the edge again ready to attack. "Just so you know, Adira is a manipulator, a liar, and most of

't seen her…" He shreked his voice. "Well okay… we'll be on her way." She turned around with an evil smirk on h

he woods. "Theo!" Liam gently tapped his arm, pulling his attention to him. "They are gone,

en lying to me, she's a vampire and we left her in our home. Oh how s

and disgust. The vampires killed his father and bro

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