ans and rhythm
eyond the curtai
idea of the
on as long as h
d sounds around
g entering his s
to become fully
nurse return
sed. He had to a
ernal tentacle st
as clear that a
attract the unw
ndrils that were
d the
es caught someth
his bedside tab
instruments: cot
needles, and th
cabinets thank
ng up, Vincent
branes had alrea
ened cabinet doo
t was forced ope
e would be fallin
e had to work w
was lodged blad
hich had started
ready started to
inning to wrapnt inwardly a
whatever staff m
l like that, but
this bit of
could, Vincent r
, weaving his st
web-like organ
ed. Just as Vinc
l, a tentacle h
ed up onto the t
ndril wormed it
eemed to just be
d about, and was
g, he swiftly gr
. At first it se
owths on the
another tug, he
its slimy resting
w his arm until t
moment to calm
ssible given h
growing more an
e felt like if h
on that they wou
f precum was alr
. There was no
another minute,
sitation, swingin
p and severing t
id so, orange f
writhing tentacl
ce and blinding h
d and found the
to the floor wi
feet. Luckily, th
be capable of m
unds were bare
s that echoed
from his eyes,
his surprise, i
if the cut had
in his mouth, h
ve the appendin
s also starting
if forming an ent
quirming, fleshy
led it from his
had been nearly
leaked its alien
ent glared at it
ination. Seeing
s starting to s
incent threw the t
side of the room
a s
cles, including
for him, scramb
ound. Taking ad
cent relatively
doorway, observin
ts as he judici
by the woman,
cally absorbed
s covering her b
en engulfed in t
so could be seen
out through all
her helples
discern what exac
s clear that her
s were being mil
, and that severa
apes and sizes
into her gushin
bbed his own co
e himself at t
it and refocusin
o help the others
d to. The stran
their bodies, so
es as he crept in
ard from the roo
oman's hips that
other mind-melti
in no better c
What had once
now looked like
one that had bee
orms. Open door
the mottled, p
s, and tentacl
ng every glis
ing out in the op
anger. While it
cy light flashe
insane nurse wo
were others he h
le to get his b
a maze to naviga
atureless flesh
end of the hall,
r wall - and wi
cautiously make
se to the gently
lined every surfa
t of sight from a
he could hear
ural, human moa
om within th
he sounds was m
me up against a
t to him. The e
realized his
ked, wiggling
grotesque, fles
seeing just a
m the wall like
an's body was b
, with every inch
ssaged a
man's hips began
incent - who ha
ating ass cheek -
He watched, mout
hick white fluid
lled with severa
lopped wetly to
bbed his own co
e himself at t
it and refocusin
o help the others
d to. The stran
their bodies, so
es as he crept in
ard from the roo
oman's hips that
other mind-melti
in no better c
What had once
now looked like
one that had bee
orms. Open door
the mottled, p
s, and tentacl
ng every glis
ing out in the op
anger. While it
cy light flashe
insane nurse wo
were others he h
le to get his b
a maze to naviga
atureless flesh
end of the hall,
r wall - and wi
cautiously make
se to the gently
lined every surfa
t of sight from a
he could hear
ural, human moa
om within th
he sounds was m
me up against a
t to him. The e
realized his
ked, wiggling
n a grotesque