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You Are Not Alone

Chapter 5 Pain

Word Count: 1527    |    Released on: 26/05/2023

nt Madiha were sitting, he greets them and went upstairs to his room, before entering hi

utside of the room and wait for him in th

s clothes, he was thinking about how

en he was 6 years old, her mother left his father's house and went to live with her parents,

hen his mother died, he went to her house and what he was told,

ter what. But the problem he was facing was the behavior of Mahtaj, what he was told

e, she wanted to shout at her father and her brother, why they just appear all of sudden, where were they when she was a child when she nee

that her mother will come back home, it could be late but she will come back and if in betw

ve, they had a wall in their relationship, they were not like normal mother and daughter, but the fact was they were feeling the presence of

family members, her father, her brother, her aunt, and uncle, and their children, but still something important was missing an

ut when Hadi cleared his throat after sitti


her to take the cup of coffee from his hand, and Mah

were looking at the sky wh

just nods at him. She finished the remaining coffee, and she felt

t her and asked

iploma?" Mahtaj was astonished, she was no

ce, if it was not for Hadi sitting beside her

he classes regularly?"

ll bring your all belongings of studies from mom's home" she r

" he asked her, though he knew she can drive, however, with th

le from his jeans pocket, and unlocked it, typing something for

attention to it, she picked up her phone and

cup on the grass, he said to her. Hadi relaxed his head on the back of the bench and close

sfied as she was not crying and had changed her clothes too. Hadi's eyes were having love for his

experience, therefore, for a time being, or you can say for a short time, I will be managing her business and you wi

on of her mother, however, Hadi igno

r classes end." She was crying silently, it was hurting Hadi to look at his sister in this state of pain, but he was helpless, they both have a huge distance

k and closed his eyes, gulping down his so

ready about me, why did you never come to see me?" listening to her questions Hadi turned his gaze to th

e going through the trauma after mom's death and my answers will only increase your pain which I don't want you to go through." He paused and loo

normalized, then only I will answer your question

refused her request but sent her the pictur

screen as if she was caressing her mother, she couldn't control herself and started crying, she was sobbing badl

Not because he was men, in fact, the reason was when his parent's parted ways, he had mixed emotions at that time, anger, hate, and reprove, all he hid in his heart, and since

the presence of Mahtaj in this house, she rolled her

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1 Chapter 1 Breakfast2 Chapter 2 I am leaving3 Chapter 3 They are not happy4 Chapter 4 What you want5 Chapter 5 Pain6 Chapter 6 I have applied7 Chapter 7 Did you like here 8 Chapter 8 What do you mean9 Chapter 9 Don't you think you are wrong10 Chapter 10 Does it bother you 11 Chapter 11 Who Cares12 Chapter 12 Someone is happy13 Chapter 13 He likes you14 Chapter 14 Isn't it weird15 Chapter 15 What is going on here 16 Chapter 16 Can I sit here 17 Chapter 17 He failed18 Chapter 18 We can't hide truth19 Chapter 19 I'm impressed20 Chapter 20 Who is she 21 Chapter 21 What a bad luck22 Chapter 22 Watching movie23 Chapter 23 Don't want to talk24 Chapter 24 Can I trust you25 Chapter 25 Had too much to reconcile26 Chapter 26 She is not fine27 Chapter 27 Are you angry 28 Chapter 28 Don't you dare29 Chapter 29 You are fool30 Chapter 30 What is your plan31 Chapter 31 You can join me32 Chapter 32 Looking pleasant33 Chapter 33 Get Out34 Chapter 34 Why did you left35 Chapter 35 I was there for you36 Chapter 36 You are mine37 Chapter 37 Another note38 Chapter 38 You have to learn39 Chapter 39 New project40 Chapter 40 Taj 41 Chapter 41 Conditions42 Chapter 42 Complicated43 Chapter 43 Grateful44 Chapter 44 Leaving45 Chapter 45 Permission46 Chapter 46 What should we do next47 Chapter 47 He is my boss48 Chapter 48 Time to tell the truth49 Chapter 49 Business Partner50 Chapter 50 When he met her51 Chapter 51 New project52 Chapter 52 Challenge53 Chapter 53 Nothing is fine54 Chapter 54 Act Smartly55 Chapter 55 Not looking forward to this