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Chapter 4 Bethel's pov

Word Count: 1128    |    Released on: 26/05/2023

d To A



heavy and muzzy. Well, how wouldn't I? When I had been thinking even in my dreams? I took up my phone and discovered 11 missed calls and 2 messages. What the heck? I checked out the missed calls and discovered 7 was from Jackson while four from Nicole. I opened then messages and both was from Jackson. The first one read: 📱 Please Bethel, I'm sorry📱 And the second: 📱just pick up the call. Give me a chance to explain please📱 I rolled my eyes and dropped the phone back on the bed. The whole thing was still a shocker to me. So what could he possibly want to explain? I was about picking up the phone again when I heard a knock on the door and sluggishly went to check it out. I opened the door and surprisingly, well - not really surprisingly - it was Nicole. "Geez! What the hell's wrong with you, Bethel? Why weren't you picking your calls? I called for like a hundred times" she said immediately she spotted my face, not even giving me a chance to breathe. I looked at her from head to toe and confirmed she was looking good. Wow! A black short, pink top and black boots. "It was just four missed calls, Nicole. Stop being dramatic" I rolled my eyes and said as I made way for her to come in. "Hold on;" she scoffed. "Why are you still on uniform?" She asked and the thought flashed into my mind. Gosh! I didn't even realise. "What have you been doing Bethel?" She asked, almost yelling. "I was so exhausted and slept off Okay?" I replied and sat on the bed and she scoffed. "Really? Do you realise what the time is? Bethel! You're gonna make me late for Ryan's concert!" Oh! Ryan's concert! I almost forgot. Oh! No wonder she's looking so good. "Come on, B; you're such a kill joy. You know, I told you countless times to get ready in time so we can go early. How could you forget?" She said bittery and I sighed and stood up. "I'm sorry okay? I'll be done in a second" I

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