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Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 3024    |    Released on: 22/05/2023

ve an intellectual conversation with and one who wasn't interested in how much money I had or what clubs I belonged to – which, in order, were "plenty" and "none." I was

of the house for a night – some

goals – and the hours required to achieve them – and she was tired of the Porsche-driving

pics, directed by my friend and his wife. I found Elizabeth had a charming sense of humor and a biting wit that

isagree and didn't try to change each other's mind, the attraction (at least my attraction) deepened. By then almost a

a social worker

ague about Elizabeth's profession as well,

e – didn't derail the evening, but it certainly put a damper on it. By the time we parted company with a simple

t the bar of a restaurant near the courthouse when Elizabeth sat down a couple of seats down from me. She was talking (loudly) on her

r drink arrived and she actually favored me with a

id. "You sound like I fe

g me in. She told me she had behind home plate tickets for a Major League Baseball game between her hometown team and

e was an ass anyway and they probably deserve th

ded with "Isn't it terrible when other people

aid with a full laugh. "How about you? Do y

e up a date and take the tickets off her hands. The look on her face wa

gine how much it would cost to get a hooker to watch those bums play," I said with a chuckle. "Besides, you'

ds apart from me (geographically and socially), we had a

rward. "My NFL boys play yours in two week

invitation for another date

t dates I've had in years," she said. "We might not agree on

elf on the football field. A couple of weeks after that we decided to date exclusively – not that I had much choice in the matter since

ren't always rosy between us. We had our share of arguments over important things – and more than a few disagreements over silly things – but we developed a form of fighting that left each of

as she could. She didn't take it personally when I tried to get the best possible outcome for a client, be it outright acquittal or a lesser sentence

their parents and children in custody disputes or who have fallen through the cracks at Social Services. Elizabeth had gifted me with a daughter three years before and o

e north, Elizabeth proved again how

She got picked up there yesterday and she's in the County Youth Detent

my mind when Pam told me Lauren ha

mber. But I don't do drug cases. I'll try to g

before Elizabeth smacked me on the

"Can I call you back in about 10 minutes? Good. Let

into the house still talking to Pam. I was st

e'll drop our Lauren off at my mom's on the way. W

calls, including calling Pam back. Once my daughter was s

ase. This is about a little girl you loved like a daughter. You don't just put that off on someon

ce in two hours for a bail hearing. Tony Baker is the prosecutor on call, so it won't be easy to get her released. He hates drug dealers and, well, he hates you even more since you

nless I absolutely have to. But

courthouse. It seemed like the best

like Lauren – troubled, from a broken home – gets mixed up with a guy and runs away. The next

rl to take the blame because as a female juvenile she'll likely get a

ce convicted, the probation the girl was expecting will turn into five years in prison. The guys know this, of course. Th

ty surprised when she saw me. I truly didn't think she'd remember me.

know what's going on. They said I was dealing drugs. I don't

er in her yel

of here as quickly as we can and we'll get to the bottom

recounted her tale

e started a few years ago. It's boring down here. Dad meets with his fr

nd grabbed me and the next thing I know I'm in here. I tried to call Dad but his cell ph

l me her court appearance had been scheduled. When I left the visiti

blems," she said. "T

. The fact she was past her 14th birthday coupled with the weight of the drugs meant she could be tried as an

r suspected a man would use his daughter as a drug courier. But then again, we w

was a prick the whole time. It didn't help that his boss – my wife – was sitting in

n fact, she's a resident of another state, a state with diffic

is news because I hadn't h

tate to face charges," Baker continued. "And numerous reaso

l, if I were facing life in prison, I'd get the hell out

rest record and from all indications is a model student in sc

d the magistrate didn't seem impr

d to the defense table beside me. "We'll post a half million dollars bond personally and agree to electronic monitoring at our

ate. Of course I was looking a

appear for court proceedings, Mr. Wallace a

rted to commit career suicide bef

er will feel more secure with electronic monitoring. I also want to make sure an adult will be present at the home

stalked after Elizabeth as she exit

now, but unless Lauren screws this up I will be again soon. So y

n his heel and left without a word. He rea

up a still shell-shocked Lauren after she

he asked me. "I thou

ther's house. We didn't dawdle because a probation officer was scheduled to arrive

e an electronic monitor around your ankle until we get something better figured out. Once your mom gets here we'll h

al of roles, had accepted Lauren's story without question. I'd dealt with too many troubled kids in my

til I tell you otherwise. OK? That means your Mom, Elizabeth or even my Lauren without me in the room. I don't want to ask you too much until your Mom is here, but for

ck. I'm sure you didn't sleep very much last night, so why don't

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