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Crazy House Help

Chapter 5 The Urge

Word Count: 1727    |    Released on: 20/05/2023

azy House




ght on this name like

ng I can’t explain, how wou

f a person or a

thout even knowing whe

exclaimed and I turned to

and I got rolled my eyes getting vexed, why did

nd took a

e were the eyes of l

eyes again

ear me or this school or I’d skin he

een her..” He said and I snee

her??..tell her that I hate her..so

again and their


his class,!” I seethed und

r walked in and tha


in music, Austin..do you want him to take the glory?” He s

ng when the insp

still there, Sophia isn’t your

ic because it is now useless!” I stated bi

listening to a single word, I even hate him f

an eternity to me, h

ed to jace who al

revoke the scholarsh

ling that Rose would be among those that would sign in

people here??..do you know how smelly they would be??..what about the obsessed ones..aaa

d at me making

!” I growled and the

me well right?


those commoner, they would regret the day they decid

uld I even want to see that Rose flower, he just said she


s I caught the glimpse of Sophia and Jerem

you don’t know how

is??” I seethed trying hard to hid

you gone nut?” Jeremy

godforsaken a**hole!!” I cu

ere??..that’s the reason I dumped you

drop a song??” She chuck

t the timid guys like you who ge

howled and turn to leave so they won

reathing space, your pathetic eyes is disturbing us, we are leaving this

a single hope, s

yan that is known through out the whole town?.. I lo

s filled with emotions as they wish an

son I dearly want doesn’t wan

d turned my gaze to Sop

I don’t give a damn, you are nothing to me anymore..f**k you!!” I se

guess it

ging, to hell with any band, to hell with the f**king nation

y car, the most expensive car in the garage, it was

ome just want to go to a secluded area and c

ove away with my mind clou

ld life be without her, it was just too sudden..

ike any lady, how would I even

ith her when she sin


s I drove to where

mmediately and

t??” I ask

ou leave the school without guards,

, I don’t want to talk

sending five guard to you now..stop riskin

eside the road before restin

now is that the environment is c

someone t


lady who was dressed in a company

hat jace said..she i

or talking, her gaze was just on me as she gasp for

?” She asked and

asked and her eye


id you even touched my car talk more of touc

ding dropped off her

creamed and jumped li

ffed and she bowed and stared at my face li

.jace gave you my message..” She

he m

come looking

e of gir

I don’t know how I was able to even t

lease are you a human or one of the angel that was

ng in the school, please I can’t have y

She asked walking to and fro lik

w?” I said and sh

d but she wasn’t listening, her

broken now..forget about her or she would think she

ding with you here, how did you even came here?..I feel like bursting

ll end in jail in no distant time, I can’t believe yo

hat, she took my hand a

may not love me but..I..am really in love with

t hand, you must have stained it now

aid pointing

she was showing me and the ne

my cheek an


a smile and before I

e just mad


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