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Word Count: 1181    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

happened with the utmost distinctness. I spent the day chiefly in the garden, gathering roses for pot-pourri, being disinclined for any more reasonable occupation, partly by the thundery oppressiven

he patterns of the terrace pavement, counted the roses on the white bush by the dial (there were twenty-six), and seeing a beetle on the path, moved it to a bank at

hough I heard the voice distinctly when the door was opened, I vow to you, dear Nell, that my chief desire was to get the rose pulle

he insane freak of a hardly responsible mind. He complained bitterly (though I could but confess justly!) of the insulting and intolerable treatment that he had received. He had come, he said, in the first place, to assure himself of my constancy-in the second, for a powerful and final remonstrance with my brother-and, if that failed, to remind me that I should be of age next month; and to convey the entreaty of the Tophams th

excited; and then he turned upon me, and heaped abuse on insult, loading me with accusations and reproaches. George, white with suppressed rage, called incessantly upon me to go; and at last I dared disobey no long

y came out. I heard George's voice saying this or something e

s; I trust our next meeti

ms to have refused to shake hands with Mr. Manners.

I shall not ask for you

on the table lay George Manners' penknife. It was a new one, that he had been showing to me, and had left behind him. I kissed it and put it in my pocket: then I knelt down by the chair, Nell, an

en two men carried the dead body of my br

aw and knew that life had certainly gone till the Resurrection:-that was not all. The storm had not fully broken till I turned and saw, standing by the fire, George Manners, with his ha

elles, why do you

the labourers who had helped

say the better. God forg

arse voice

n it faltered a little-"Do

at him. Our eyes met, and we looked at each other for a full minute, and I was content. Oh! there are times when the instinctive trust of one's heart is, so far more powerful than any proofs or reasons, that faith seems a higher knowledge. I would have pledged ten th

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