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Word Count: 1391    |    Released on: 05/05/2023

but they found the need to soon after they were called to a meeting at their boss fancy estate one eventful day when the bright afternoon sun hovered in the bare sky above the lush mansion situated o

to sustain his firm from the brink of collapsing due to poor conditions ravaging everywhere in the country and was expected to be back from his trip that same afternoon though some of his henchme

ch they kept sheathed on their braces while they gazed on bluntly at the engrossed six men chattering to one another without caring about guards eavesdropping on their conversation that seems to be taking their complete

antiques exquisitely crafted to fitted the redness of the tranquil household. They knew that they were being watched by the two men but they chose to ignore them and kept on debating on important matters concerning the fate of themselves and the workers which they planned to discuss with the boss when he will a

back from school in a black Chevrolet assigned to a driver to be driving them home from school every day but on the day of the meeting, his children didn't leave home for school since they were given a break from schooling following a recent case of burglars br

were getting frustrated with the passing hours without setting their eyes on the boss whose long absence was beg

late thirties spoke his frustrations first soon after he got bored

nymore for the

his face and glanced at the guard standing at the door

nd keep calm. The bos

us few hours ago and w

tempered fello

oming. Maybe he's

ming back today like

simply delivered his

plied in h

ld have been

upporting the idea of retu

o idea what's taking him s

able to make it to his mansion after s

e before telling us to meet here in h

he left side of his lower jaw and rested his back on the sofa, f

he guards wouldn't have

ey too knew of the d

tell us nor did they say any

s and lowered his head below the couch when he n

out it without us knowing the entire time when

hen his wife doesn't se

tal doubt of his co-worker's speculation and adjusted himself closely when he noticed

told them to watch us and the workers the entire time he wa

y plausible

he gets here. Besides, we really need t

ted with more

it won't be

u know he isn't that

t to ensure he obliges to reach a

Last time, we failed to get him to

f we all come out str

mply even if it mean

a young girl dressed up in a black anorak that shrouded her hair including her baseball cap and blue jeans stealthily approaching the handrail of the staircase above on the left side of the parapet without paying much attention to her father's guests who have already been attende

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