Men Called Him Master
ey had been plotting to rebel against the Romans, but so far had found no plan that promised to be successful. They believed that Jesus was the leader for whom they had been waitin
al trip to Capernaum that same week and came to Simon's home. Before the week was past h
es privately, "does the Rabbi int
"The Master has said
shutters were tightly closed. "Do you not know that he c
"But we're not re
trusted this man. "We plan to tell everyone i
ish nation, you must do more than talk,"
how much they should say. Finally James sai
thing definite about
he could be king of t
ed the Zealot. "My people
on. "I think most of the people
to see what the Master thinks. King Herod
as heard about the kingdom." Simon didn't reply. "He intends to fight eventually," continued James. "Didn't
sure," he admitted. "The Pharisees are all again
penly declare himself king," affirmed the Z
t come without suffering. Men who hate truth hate anyone who speaks the truth." The men knew Jesus had made a decision. "The
ohn at the same time. In Jerusalem th
trength. We must tell the gospel in every village and countryside. We mu
nodded his approval. No hiding in the hills for them; they were
ive him the wisdom and courage he would need for the important task he was about to undertake. One by one, Jesus blessed each of the twelve men. He knew them better than they knew themselves and he pray
ive out demons and raise th
ave both the right and the power to destroy evil wherever y
o by two. Preach only to Jews, not to Samaritans or gentiles, for the time is short. Your
one pair of sandals-neither foo
Master? Where shall
to you while you work there," answered Jesus. "Once you have decided w
will take us i
at town immediately," answered Jesus. "God will
ght now at work. Tell them that he is the ruler of all who trust him. Warn them to repent and
Jesus. "You will be persecuted. Never put your trust
what you should say. The spirit of God your Father will help you, and ev
ver have strength to do
em farewell. "God has given you his own power. You carry ne
and brothers of Jesus and told them how Jesus was sending missionaries
in great danger,"
of her sons rudely. He was a strong young fellow about twenty-f
many sleepless nights wondering if the rumor could be true t
ith him is that populari
. "He is bound to get into some kind
is mother would stop worrying. "P
t away." She prepared hastily for the trip, greatly rel
ly to the home of Simon where they knew Jesus stayed.
tly packed people. There were angry murmurs, but Jude paid no attention. As he got farther into the courtyard he could he
, but he was not healing them. He was standing silently before the man whose harsh voice Jude had heard. The man was completel
ry one?" he ask
e sc
Jesus still said nothing. Irritated by Jesus'
het! You are a
out: "He is not false! He tells
d another. "How could he do that if he
drive out demons! I can show you a hundred right here in Galilee
ibe. "I'll tell you! The prince of all demons has got hold of him! That's why he can do it!" Scornfully h
d his mouth to deny it, but he realized he could not. How co
he asked the man, coolly. There was a touch of sarcasm in his voice. "A nation divided within itsel
brother's words. This did not soun
. "I have no demon. No one can enter a man's house and take his property without first binding the
d blasphemies except one: If you harden yourself against the Holy Spirit, you commit eternal sin!" Jesus then raised his voice
, "How fortunate your moth
s the one who hears and believes the
bering why he had come, Jude began to push his way toward Jesus. When finally he could get no farther, he touched t
t Jesus put out his hand and stopped them. He looked around at the faces of the loyal men who had left eve
ferent from his tone a moment before. "I tell you, you are my mother and my
sake and take the people of God's Kingdom for his family. Anyone who thinks more of
n up everything to fo
ife, Simon," answered Jesus. "Yet
d. The first thing he said to his mothe
Do you mean that what the people are
s different in another way. He is ... he is not like u
l that he had seen from the moment he had entered the courtyard. She listened, wondering at t
id Jude. "Don't yo
't need us to care for him. This is God's work that he is doing." That same day
eager to start spreading the news of the Kingdom, saw how much he needed to learn before at
ver be strong enough to
ower, Simon," answered Jesus. "The
nnot heal anyone." He paused and then added in a tone
n God-even a tiny grain-you wou
nd still I do not have the
ll you lend me three loaves of bread? A visitor has arrived unexpectedly and I am out of food.' Suppose he
you just keep on knocking until he
on knocking, he'll give you the bread just to get rid of you! But God is your
d asked him to help her-but he never paid any attention. Finally he said to himself: 'I don't care about this woman, but she is becoming a nuisance. Perhaps if I give her what she wants she will sto
aying. How often he had thought to himself. Now I'll pray and
u teach us to pray as John the
, holy be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy
to admit, they thought only of per
l need to do our work tomorrow,'" said Jesus. "Anyone who
ut if you are not willing to forgive others, do no
in against me and I go on forgivin
like a king who decided to settle his accounts with his servants. The king ordered one man, with his wife
atience with me and I will pay you every penny.' Out of p
nded, 'You pay me what you owe me!' The man fell on his knees and begged, 'Have patience with me and I will pay you.' But he refused. Instea
all that you owed me-should you not have been merciful to your fellow servant, as I was merciful to y
concluded Jesus, "unless you
ion to us. Master? He seems so far away. Oh, I know he watches
or a piece of bread, would you give him a rock to eat? Or if he asked for a broiled fish, would you give hi
se not!" exc
your children, do you not think that God
ly for him when he asked the Heavenly Father to send the Holy Spirit upon them a
ndrew, "is how he knows all these
"You would almost think he came