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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1572    |    Released on: 11/05/2023

the day Haydn Schaefer's l

e was thinking longingly of a hot shower when the butler inte

id with a sigh, wincing at the

n looked down at his filthy boots a

m as tired, cold, and dirty as the soldiers under his comman

king a shower. I stink

immediately after your return." His t

ve been important. Frowning, Haydn headed toward h

fully, but not too respectfully

his father started thinkin

er bristled, immediately suspicious t

irst time in his life, Haydn wished h

uch thoughts were pointless.

Well, Xeus alphas had it worse than either betas or omegas,

rom his computer, his dark go


elf to his full height, which may not have been as impressive

acking. Haydn couldn't help but think that in his father's eyes, he

ot quite as good

Haydn did as he was told. The king

l representative this morning. You were a

e ignorant of it when the entire palace h

l, the meeting hadn't gone

il isn't pleased wi

to be part of the Union of Planets unt

rows drawing close. "There is

our planet," t

ies with different governments for thousands of years. They want us to make peace with Kadar and choos

adar had been at war all his life; he literally couldn't imagine them

was tired of leading his men to the

h. Two thousand and thirty-one. So no, Haydn wou

vable. There were too many grievanc

lanets, and we'll lose access to the TNIT network, and most importantly, lose the protection we have as a member of t

the Union that doesn't have a unified government. Some very powerful Inner Core planet

exceptions to the rule. Besides, those planets still have some kind of unified government and one Lord Chancellor. We can't say the same about ourselves. So th

e with them, exactly?" Haydn said, dr

to think of how they could

es had failed, the war resuming with

olution: a marriage between two high-profile political figur

what he thought he meant. Surely his father didn't

rmy, are not expendable," the king said. Haydn

, but Prime Minister Taube rejec

d the prejudice against Xeus alphas, but there was nothing he could do a

ies" Stefan's expression turned sour "a marriage between my heir and a Kada

closed it, knowing they would be futile. There was no poi

n said, forcing his

y already

hoice will be the prime minister's but I insisted that you should at least choose your spouse's sex and designation. You are th

, Father,"

ignation..." He hesitated. Since he was an alpha, m

as. They were so small. Vulnerable. Needy

active, no matter how good they smelled t

ore: vaguely unsatisfying and wrong. Something about it made

" Haydn said. The kin

hey're very malleable as long as they get a hard knot in their

nge. I prefer betas, you must know that." S

the best," he sai

there are, the fact that I can't think of any proves that they're no

egas was well documented, and he'd learned t

settled," th

issed, Haydn." When Haydn got to his feet,

thing is in order?" Haydn smiled a coc

the room, exuding confidence he didn't feel. He allowed hi

ured, running a h

rrying a politician from the country they had been a

uld be a beta. T

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