ightly appeal to her audience of pleasure-seekers. Like a dancer in her dressing-room, she but awaited the signal to step forth into
ept like the fumes of wine; the insidious sense of nocturnal energy swept the brain, as the traffic
hand-in-hand in so strange a fellowship. A new excitement, unlike the excitement of the morning, was at work within him; his blood danced, his brain answered to every fleeting picture. He was in that subtlest of all moods when the mind swings out upon the human tide, comprehending its every ripple with a deep intuition that seems like a re
wd, a hand was laid upon his shoulder and a f
we girded for
s, the easy friendliness that seemed to accept all things as they came. His instant answer
ry characteristic, but there ar
us, but he ignored the anomaly. His boats were burned; the great ice-bound sea protected him from the past; he was here in Paris, in the first moments of a fascinating present, under the guardianship of this comrade whose face he had never seen until yesterday, whose very
romise; and as they passed on, ever mounting toward Montmartre, his brain quickened to new joy, new curiosity in every flaunting advertisement, every cobble-stone in the long steep way of the Boulevard Barbés, the rue de
crowded curio shop-the curio shop that in time to come was destined to become so fam
onely pavement; to the right, the Escalier de Sainte-Marie, picturesque as its name, wound its precipitous way apparently to the very stars, while at their feet, creeping upward to the threshold of the church, was the plantation of rocks, trees, and holly bushes that in the mysterious darkness seemed aquiver with
gain pressed his
steps?" He point
to the rue Müller, and, if you desire it,
mpanion with him, and side by side they began the mounting of the stone steps-those steps, fl
igher and higher they climbed, sensible with each step of a greater isolation, of a rarer, clearer air. Above them, in one of the higher houses in the rue Müller, some one was playing a
though it called to him in some curious way, he suddenl
the wooden paling that fronts the Sacré-Coeur, his elbows resting upon it, his
hind him. "I thought you
nspiration, the curious illumin
st wonderful! It is here that I shall
moredly at the finality, the
find a dwelling in the s
do not consider difficulties, monsieur. It i
ay seek your inspiration in Montmartre, but
I? What co
do. You can live here, certainly, if you want to-there is no law to forbid it-and
will know her from here-study her, love her from here. This place is one of miracle. One might know life here, living in the skies. Listen! That musician know
red Blake's Celtic blood, ba
scraps from Louise-C
ever hear
ontmartre. Listen, now!" His voice quickened. "He's playing a bit ou
le Plaisi
Amantes-que le
t les coeurs qu'o
le Rire, ici
t le droit de t
ocureur de la
as the music deepened with the passion of the pl
ic flowed forth again, but curiously al
ened. "Ah, but list
ittle house her lover has provided for her; it is twilight, and she is in the garden, looking down upon all this"-he waved his hand comprehensively-"it is her moment-the triumph and
says?" Max whi
of the song in the same hushed way as h
e suis donnée, toute fl
de féerie, l'ame encore gr
might be extinguished-the music ce
said; "but the words of that so
that 'l'ame encore grisé
emotional moment, he gave a litt
added, "never a little model in all
ever in love," h
old! You look like a child from school, and you talk like some quaint l
r; but about this love, I have thought a little, and have gained to a conclusion. It
d that man sh
ulders. "We come into the world
d phil
s were based upon it we would have
enthusiasm caug
ould a poor devil of a wanderer like myself be, if he hadn't the dream in
hed him
have nev
f love ever since I was seventeen. But, bless your
u think the right woman will be co
ing over the parapet, his shou
I know, the world was made as it is, and neither you nor I can change it; no, nor ten thousand cleverer than we! It's all a mystery, and the queerest
en who can do without either
hat there are certain people to whom these things you speak of are poo
h twisted into a
who is sufficie
s pocket in the café that morning-Max stepped back, his
r! You s
een surprise; he turned sharply
, to ignore the softer side of life and set yourself
ry well, my frie
defy the world, the flesh, and the devil
w l
ths-not a
tistic exaltation passed; again he was the boy-the adventurer, brimming with spirits, thirsting to break a
ghing face, the bright
om the bogs of Clare! Come here, and take my arm a
t, bantering tone that had in it a touch of something bordering upon affection, and with
all the arrogance had melted from his voice, his tone
of taking you to a little Montmartre cabaret, where many a poet wrote his first verse
oulevard de Clichy and th