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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 653    |    Released on: 24/04/2023

of all that hair pulled into a knot at the back of his head. Someone so

ed her view of the room, but Nina didn't care. Her stare was riveted to his body. He was powerf

aze slid lower. She was fascinated by the flex of his strong thighs b

?" Julian asked, wa

r back to reality and s

t him. "It's just that you look so different... Not different

but then he smiled and said, "Thanks.. I thi

k Nina's bags from her. "I will put these

, her phone rang. She groaned when she saw that it was her dad. She

aid, trying to

hy haven't you been picking your

are you too?" she re

lady" Scott Taylor said, sounding mo

didn't want to have this conversation where anyone could listen and f

what has come over you, but you will do as I say. I have done everything possible to

it's okay to let me make some decisions for myself. I'm tired of having everything planned out for me. You have always been there in every aspect of my life, the schools I attended, my job and now you even have a suitor ready for me. I don't want that

d marriage, and it worked out well for us. I don't see why it's going to be different for you. You haven't even given it a chance. Look, I'm not going to have this talk w

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