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Don't Open Your Eyes When It's Dark

Chapter 3 Unlucky Car(3)

Word Count: 2105    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

nd said, "Why are you here again? I thought you were frightened. I'm

Grandpa Hayes had said. If she was provoked, it would awaken the little

wanted to help you, but could not think o

oney, he had to start with my family's business. In the past half year, he should have shown his intentions. You can

about herself, so we would not be exposed as fakes. We could pret

on, the boss and I bought some tonics

nce. Weston worked in the company during the day and would only be ba

he door for us. She looked at us in

couldn't get in touch with her before. Yesterday, I just heard ab

he must have wondered why this student looked so

. She was alone in the house, so

he bedroom. He hurt his head during the a

on the bed, staring at the ceiling. There was a scar on his lef

nd and said, "Quincy's clas

a little and he s

hospital." Quincy's mother explained to us, her eyes red.

lking about her. After she asked me a few questions, she offered us water and fruits. Lat

d a man in a suit came in with a lot of bags in his hands. As soon a

ld, and this man was o

o saw us and said, "

Quincy's mother introduced us as she took the bags from Weston.

We have company now. Let's have di

tter opportunity, so we accepted hi

the kitchen with the boss to h

mentioned Quincy. From his words, we

was very patient. People would have mistaken him to be his biological son. If he w

ot find any incriminating evid

got here and said tha

up on his offer. "That will be great. Your community is too big. I

in the back seat and secretly stuck the recordi

e bus purely for this moment. Quincy had told us Weston was very goo

work, some liked to put on their makeup, smoke, and listen to music in the car, and some even cried in the car. If Weston was really the murderer,

of the plan wen

ice was directly connected to the phone. The battery could last about four or five da

sic on the way back. Other than

hop. The boss also knew that this was a serious ma

period, he received a lot of calls, most of them were work-related, and everything seemed normal. On the fourth day, we planned to tel

enly came from the phone. "Didn't I tell you not to

quettish female vo

oo busy these days and I will go

d him when he

e with the work at hand. Why don't you take a shower in ad

voice, "You're so annoying

he sound of him closing the c

uition might be true!" The boss was very excited t

him to find a woman. It doesn't mean that he had anything

d me, "Where

watch a good show in the afternoon." Since I ha

ur meal. The recording device had a GPS fun

ht. At 2:35 p.m., Westo

nutes, he stopped in a remote and old community in the suburbs,

r opened and

rtains were drawn. They couldn't wait to start. The sound of them having sex was very distinct, which made me feel a little agitated

d down. After a while, the woman complained, "You haven't b

ave you from the be

rted, "What a

mentioned, I quickly clicked on

y, I wouldn't have bothered with her at all. I love you. You're the only one in my heart.

you? I don't want to stay at this shab

it a litt

I've been waiting for you from the age of 20 to 27. Ho

must have known each other way before Quincy had known Weston.

company and their relatives are not convinced and are always ready to pounce on me should I make the slightest mistake. Besides, hundreds of employees in the company know me.

e. I never expected that under his kind

ttle more but was fin

I'm scared to live alone in this old house without you. I can't sleep at night.

n the world. Even if there were, she had been su

imes. She had blood all over her fa

became impatient and raised his voice a li

. If you want a child, I'll give birth to one for you.


another ro

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