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Falling in Love With A Cool Guy

Chapter 5 No Waiting(5)

Word Count: 2470    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

s Later

rived home

h from behind when she changed her shoes at the ent

Zachariah. Her dimples could not help but deepen, but she

a true fan. "No, no. Ms. Gaffner, your program is particularly

e deeply and pinche

Charmaine was a designer, while Jessalyn was a model. Jessalyn accumulated influe

at moment, the brand had become famous, and Jessalyn occasionally recei

g out some shows. At that moment, all kinds of programs would fin

erself. She did spend le

"I will definitely spare some time for

her hands. "No, Jess, I ne

Jessalyn looked at Zachariah, who

you call

yn said softly, "Zachariah, did you se

ediately let go of his hands. "Jess, this is not a strange question. Boys

s mid

packing Jess

eam arrange the recording date so packed? She is tot

in the bathroom stop. He quickly sealed half of the

wiping her hair. She saw Zachariah's fig

distributing the vitamins by type, labeli

the six years

entered the industry, they were forced to give up the places they had won by r

n all the dark moments in her life. She had such a pe

ser step by step to his dream. Slowly, he became a young ph

ving and getting pr

rested her head on his shoulder, and whispere

ears of Zachariah, who want

alyn, and stood up, letting Jessal

alyn. Even though Zachariah was taller than Jessalyn and stared at Jessalyn f

e. "Jess, will you listen

were turned off, Jessalyn felt t

Reach (

the feeling you just said seems to be a great regret. Coul

nstantaneous tinnitus and

and saw the grand, dazz

most regrettable

seemed not to be a thing but

rst time, he was still a child

ll short, especially girls. They wore beautiful skirt

n him. When he first saw her, he

y she would

hey would go near whoever had new toys to pla

. Stanley did not have many new toys to share with others. Everyone pr

n he was sad, just like the first time she handed him a lollipop. She

sed by in a b

grade hiding in the distance, watching him, whispering but not daring to approach.

the cheers around him and did not even see what t

o be stunned. For some reason, he was a little afraid to look into her eyes at that moment.

, he broke up w

Jessalyn, walked past Juset Park, and

mething was

round her shoulders as he used to.

usted and shook off his arm to run to

class was waiting for her at Juset Park

ing the boy a lesson. He stared at the swing mo

re out the reason

rious and spread the

m, "Stanley, do y

ted, "She is my good friend. Wha

ho sent him notes

sincere. Then she put the notes

, they never wen

low youth, he sometimes imagined wha

e would be beautiful, fair, cute, or pure. In short,

d occasionally have a thought in his mind. However,

nce childhood, and she was

re himself that

aos, he me

goddess face, but she

would not respond. She stuffed those things in her drawer. On

ant. She stared at them coldly and

assroom and witnessed her sitting down without a

ed to be a bit similar to

erent from Jessalyn a

n his life, he wante

. He ended up in a

throw his gifts into the tras

ne for no reason will make you

m, but she star

that Charmaine also left him a

o fall into a kind of revenge. He would fall in love uns

of relationship seemed to

up after being together. He also knew what

he looked at

Jessalyn would

at year after graduation, his first reaction was annoyance. He stared coldly

at he had done as a child. He sub

g that, he

in the shadows in the corner. The light was too

e matter. Hence, he tried his luck by

xpression, which could not be seen in t

from that moment on, h

up with him and a girl who h

nding was heard. Stanley

ion, he finally returned to

out a ticket for an art photography exhibition and suggested he visit the exhibition. After all, th

anley rented a car to go

t he would reunite wi

seemed to be blooming in the days without

earl necklace, and earrings, but no one cou

ad gr

oluntarily. He calmed down

ot know what he s

, "Long ti



oduce ourse

stopped when he saw

s Zac

n his hand and realized

left hand with their finge

hone with the other hand

girl. I didn't meet her

moment I saw her photo, I was suddenly blessed with inspiration. The photo was very simple, but the moment I saw her, I felt like I wa

girlfriend, Jessalyn, who has been with me for s

Jessalyn, knelt on one knee, and to

e was e

eremony hurriedly redirected the ca

could not hear them, but Jessalyn, who pounced on Z

t remember

f the exhibition gallery. A spasm suddenly came from his heart l

own and buried his

ancy had said to him

life was like walking into a wheat field, hop

ver know when the sui

till a lot at the back. Hence,

have any hope again. Hence, they pi

blessed him. It turned out it had already given hi

hildish and stupid an

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1 Chapter 1 No Waiting(1)2 Chapter 2 No Waiting(2)3 Chapter 3 No Waiting(3)4 Chapter 4 No Waiting(4)5 Chapter 5 No Waiting(5)6 Chapter 6 Crush(1)7 Chapter 7 Crush(2)8 Chapter 8 Crush(3)9 Chapter 9 Crush(4)10 Chapter 10 Love You Long Ago(1)11 Chapter 11 Love You Long Ago(2)12 Chapter 12 Love You Long Ago(3)13 Chapter 13 Love You Long Ago(4)14 Chapter 14 Hazel's Dreams(1)15 Chapter 15 Hazel's Dreams(2)16 Chapter 16 Hazel's Dreams(3)17 Chapter 17 Hazel's Dreams(4)18 Chapter 18 Hazel's Dreams(5)19 Chapter 19 Hazel's Dreams(6)20 Chapter 20 Hazel's Dreams(7)21 Chapter 21 I'm His Crush(1)22 Chapter 22 I'm His Crush(2)23 Chapter 23 I'm His Crush(3)24 Chapter 24 I'm His Crush(4)25 Chapter 25 A Game of Tag(1)26 Chapter 26 A Game of Tag(2)27 Chapter 27 A Game of Tag(3)28 Chapter 28 A Game of Tag(4)29 Chapter 29 A Game of Tag(5)30 Chapter 30 A Game of Tag(6)31 Chapter 31 Dr. Moore(1)32 Chapter 32 Dr. Moore(2)33 Chapter 33 Dr. Moore(3)34 Chapter 34 Dr. Moore(4)35 Chapter 35 Dr. Moore(5)36 Chapter 36 Dr. Moore(6)37 Chapter 37 Dr. Moore(7)38 Chapter 38 Falling in Love With A Cool Guy(1)39 Chapter 39 Falling in Love With A Cool Guy(2)40 Chapter 40 Falling in Love With A Cool Guy(3)41 Chapter 41 Falling in Love With A Cool Guy(4)42 Chapter 42 The Story Afterward(1)43 Chapter 43 The Story Afterward(2)44 Chapter 44 The Story Afterward(3)45 Chapter 45 The Story Afterward(4)46 Chapter 46 The Story Afterward(5)47 Chapter 47 His Princess Cat(1)48 Chapter 48 His Princess Cat(2)49 Chapter 49 His Princess Cat(3)50 Chapter 50 His Princess Cat(4)51 Chapter 51 His Princess Cat(5)52 Chapter 52 His Princess Cat(6)53 Chapter 53 His Princess Cat(7)54 Chapter 54 His Princess Cat(8)55 Chapter 55 His Princess Cat(9)