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Falling in Love With a Big Star

Chapter 5 From Fan to Wife(5)

Word Count: 1017    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

bit my lower lip slightly. There was no change

nly three ju

rential treatment, and the other was a curre

erson left with litt

s right. I would succeed

was being p

only the sound of three people

then looked at me with am

e just talking a

lmost occurred to me that Jaden looked unhapp

a few seconds and sudde

t happened while filming 'Monochrome' and exchanged our thoughts. I didn't expect

. Suddenly, he lowered his eyes and laugh

uld recognize

d not understand wha

he stopped filming "Mon

but he looked indifferent. He calmly put on his clothes and

as going o

ilent for a long time, suddenly sai

him, and my heart sud

said, but I did not seem to und


said that he was just playing with me. After that, the papar

The famous singer Yael cursed and announced tha

director in everyone's eyes, and I was

d the woman, but my name was not even written in it.

nses from the anger, I su

id Jad

he, and my eyes w

ost impossible guess

ing attention t

e. After all, he had seen

cold as his aura. It was as frosty as ice that could not be

at him with my hear

m indifference to gentleness, and his thin lip


s words, a woman's laughter

started? Why didn't

ciously, and then my

s bloated, dressed with jewelry, and had deli

the same as the lad

ale, and my fing

the third judge would

aw me, she sudde

er, looking at me from head to toe,

afford the title of '

ed my head, and m

e, I was e

"Yes. When I fi

n a cold voice, "Natalie, which

had just woken up from a dr

hts were

he could be so calm in

o one of the judges. Why did he not rem

h my mind, but it flashed by too fa

ep breath, and tried to keep as calm as I could

t the script, pondered, and

in this movie. Why don't

ils na

echnically inti

indifferent eyes, I bit

could not judge a

ake Jaden, who was indifferent and abstinent, crazy

he was obviously stunned. Then he

gaze, the emotion

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